
Hello everone, This assignment is part of my technical interview. thank you everyone for believing in me.


  • Explore about your favourite genre
  • Learn more about your favourite genre 👌
  • Explore more about albums that comes under your genre 🔥
  • Explore about your favourite artist playcount, followers,their topAlbum and their top track. 😍

Libraries I've used

1.Volley Library






Why Do i used Volley library over Retrofit ??

I prefer Volley over Retrofit.

I do however have my reasons for this preference; I know the code for Volley well and you get image handling and lots of other things for free.

Retrofit on the other hand is more about code abstraction on top of a HTTP client which for Retrofit is OkHttp. Retrofit aims to make it easier to consume RESTful web services where as the goal of Volley is to handle all your networking needs for Android specifically.

Volley definitely has a more elaborate and flexible caching mechanism. Glide leverages it to great effect for caching bitmaps.
