
A simulation of 4-DOF robotic arm in gazebo, using ROS.

Primary LanguageCMake



This a simulation of a 4-DOF robotic arm in gazebo, using ROS. This follows the simple architecture of a traditional industrial arm, with a base link, torso, upper arm, lower arm and hand. The position of the joints are entered by running the move_arm node write_pos.py program in another terminal. This arm is designed without using meshes, hence has very basic geometrical structure. The model is spawned in gazebo.


The bot is designed by using a urdf (Unified Robotic Description Format) which is an XML file format. The links about the robots are specified in the urdf file. They are:

  1. base_link: The base of the arm which is fixed to the gazebo world.
  2. torso: Connected to base_link. Connected by a continuous joint.
  3. upper_arm: Connected to torso. Connected by a revolute joint for restricted motion.
  4. lower_arm: This is connected to upper_arm by a revolute joint.
  5. hand: Connected to lower_arm by a continuous jiont.

The joints which are connecting the various links are: (joint: child_link to parent_link)

  1. fixed: base_link to world
  2. hip: torso to base_link
  3. shoulder: upper_arm to base_link
  4. elbow: lower_arm to upper_arm
  5. wrist: hand to lower_arm

The motion of these joints are enabled by transmissions and the gazebo plugins.

Publishing messages

The motion planning of the arm is done by publishing messages to the /arm_controller/command topic in ROS. The message type this topic takes if of type trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory The messages type of the above msg file are:

std_msgs/Header header
  uint32 seq
  time stamp
  string frame_id
string[] joint_names
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint[] points
  float64[] positions
  float64[] velocities
  float64[] accelerations
  float64[] effort
  duration time_from_start

To move the arm we are changing the position values of the positions list on the JointTrajectoryPoint, which is subsribed by gazebo node (as seen in the rqt_graph in the section below) The gazebo node takes these values and are published to /joint_states topic, which is subscribed by the robot_state_publisher node(again, refer rqt_graph) which then maps it to gazebo ui and RoboHW. This is a brief overview of how the arm is moveing on inputting the desired position inputs.


RQT Graph

Initial pose (before entering positions)

Final pose (after entering positions)

Update: After adding gripper


I have referred the book 'Programming Robots with ROS' for modelling the arm.


This is version 1.0. We are planning several updates and they will be uploaded here. Update:

  • Added gripper to the urdf model. Version 1.0.1
  • Modified python script to control node. Version 1.1
  • Increased range of shoulder joint.
  • Added functionality to change only position of one joint. Version 1.1.1


If cloning the repository, clone it in your catkin_ws/src folder and run catkin_make command.

How to run

After running catkin_make. Open a terminal. Run roscore.

Open a new tab in terminal.

  1. Move in the catkin_ws directory using cd catkin_ws.
  2. Once there type the following command in terminal - source devel/setup.bash.
  3. Now type, roslaunch robot_arm bot.launch, to launch gazebo.

Open another tab in terminal. Repeat steps 1 and 2 from above paragraph. Now run, rosrun robot_arm write_pos.py, to perform actions on the arm.