Flask API for Managing Orders Data

This Flask API allows users to manage orders data stored in a PostgreSQL database. The API provides endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting orders.


Before setting up and running the Flask API application, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Docker
  • Kubernetes


Follow the steps below to set up and run the Flask API application:

  1. Clone the repository:

    $ git clone https://github.com/yourusername/flask-app.git
    $ cd flask-app
  2. Build the Docker image for the Flask application:

    $ docker build -t flask-api .
  3. Build the Docker image for the Mocker:

    $ docker build -t mock-data .
  4. Create a Kubernetes cluster either in the cloud or locally. Make sure kubectl is configured to access the cluster.

  5. Create a PostgreSQL database instance or use an existing one.

Install Helm:

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/helm/main/scripts/get-helm-3 | bash

Run to install psql:

$ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami 
$ helm install postgres bitnami/postgresql
$ helm get notes postgres
  1. Apply the Kubernetes manifests to deploy the Flask application and run job to store order data into the database:
    $ kubectl apply -f job.yml
    $ kubectl apply -f app.yml
  2. Verify that the pods and services are running:
    $ kubectl get pods
    $ kubectl get svc   
  3. Access the Flask API:
  • Get the external IP address of the Flask application service:
    $ kubectl get svc flask-service
  • Use tools like cURL or Postman to send HTTP requests to the API endpoints, using the obtained IP address. For example:
    $ curl http://<flask-service-external-ip>/orders
  1. Test the API by making requests to different endpoints:
  • Create a new order: POST /order
  • Get an order: GET /order/<order_id>
  • List all orders: GET /order
  • Search an order: GET /order/search?q=<product_name>
  • Delete an order: DELETE /order/<order_id>


The Flask API application has the following dependencies:

  • Flask
  • psycopg2

These dependencies are included in the requirements.txt file.

Additional Information

The Flask API handles errors and returns appropriate HTTP status codes:

  • 404 - Not found if the data is not found
  • 401 - Invalid request
  • 405 - Method not allowed