Practical of LMS Course Git & Git FLow

Submission By Vedant Soni (Block-chain Trainee 2023)


Create one repository for practical and provide the link of it for review.

Work on below points:

  1. Pull and Merge difference
  • Make example of pull request and two branch merge event.
  1. Rebase
  • Try to rebase feature branch with master branch
  1. Change commit message
  • Commit push on commit in feature branch and then change commit message
  1. cherry pick
  • Pick some commits from feature branch to master branch
  1. Drop commit
  • Remove some commit from feature branch.

Below commands are used by me

1. Pull and Merge difference

Screenshot from 2023-01-10 18-35-21

For merge

              git merge feature-branch 

2. Rebase

              git rebase feature-branch 

3. Change commit message

              git rebase -i HEAD^ 

4. cherry pick

              git cherry-pick 81ca3b5   

5. Drop commit

              git rebase -i HEAD~4 

For detail submission is in PDF named "Vedant-Soni_Git-Practical"