Pararius Scraper

Web scaraper for going through Pararius listings and saving them onto an excel file.

If you have any ideas with which you can improve this idea, feel free to create an issue and I hope this helps someone in need ':D

How To Run

  1. Clone the repo

    git clone

  2. Switch to the correct directory

    cd ./parariusScraper

  3. (Optional) Initialize a python virtual environment and activate it

    python -m venv .


  4. Install Requirements

    pip install -r ./requirements.txt

  5. Run the script


  6. Deactivate the python virtual environment if applicable. (Only if you did not skip #3)


You will see the excel file within the outputs folder.

File Naming Convention: Pararius_Scrape_{day}-{month}-{year}-{hours}{minutes}{seconds}.xlsx