
Ruby on Rails API that takes score of a bowling game

Primary LanguageRuby


Hosted on Heroku

App is live at https://bowling-score-api.herokuapp.com/


(Usage info is mentioned at the root path /)

create a new game:

POST /games

note the id in the response

record a new ball played:

POST /games/:game_id/new_ball

see game score with breakdown

GET /games

Local Installation

git clone the repository

run bundle inside the dir

setup the database:

create the postgres user:

postgres=# create user rails with password 'rails';
postgres=# alter role rails  superuser createrole createdb replication;

create the database and set the schema:

$ rails db:setup

run the server:

$ rails server

run the tests:

$ rails test


This is a rails api to keep track of bowling games.

Multiple games can be played simultaneously. Any number of games can be created. The game id (which is a UUID) serves as a secret token. Only users who have this token can update the game, and see the progress.


Due to the complicated nature of scoring of bowling game, there is a lot of business logic; hence a lot of unit tests.

I tried to keep a simple architecture:

  • In the database only the pins that were dropped are stored. Rest all of the score information can be calculated based on this data

  • All necessary validations are performed (pins must be between 0 and 10, game is not completed) when a new ball play is recorded

Almost all the business logic (actions on new ball, score calculation) is performed inside the Game model.

I avoided cyclic dependencies, by making sure that Game calls Frame, and not vice-versa.

Game -> Frame

Same for, Frame -> Ball

The app looked simple on the outside but I quickly ran into a lot of corner cases to

  • record a new ball played

  • calculate the score

Ode to TDD

I relied on TDD. Created my tests and made them pass one by one, and gradually an architecture emerged.