Profile: Create, update and list profiles. The profile list is randomly generated on every page load. Reloading the page will (probably) load new profiles.
Friends: Non-directional connection between 2 profiles. Stored as 2 ids in the database. Indexed for quick read and with uniqueness for data integrity.
Add friends by going to friends suggestions on the profile page.
- Friend suggestions: List of suggestions of new friends for each profile. Add new friends using this page. Interesting to see that whenever you add a new friend, the friend suggestions count increases by 10-20.
Currently its a list of friends of friends. Later, sort by number of mutual friends and interests
Interests: List, Create, Update, Delete interests. Associate profiles with multiple interests
Seed Data: Create profiles, interests and friendships in bulk. In a single run:
- 10 interests, 10k profiles with random friendships and interests are created.
- ~260k entries created with 20 parallel database connections.
- Takes ~4 minutes to run locally, ~18min on Heroku. (This can be optimized by using SQL bulk inserts)
This can be run from the heroku dashboard. See Deployment section at the bottom
But be careful to not run into Heroku database limits (and thereby get 500
- Photo Upload: Photos cannot be uploaded to Heroku. S3 would be needed (ref). Currently, users can only enter URLs of photos uploaded somewhere else on the internet.
Requires ruby
, bundler
and postgres
to be installed.
Then, just follow standard rails installation:
git clone git@github.com:vedant1811/social-network.git
cd social-network
bundle install
Create the database:
$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create user rails with password 'rails';
postgres=# alter role rails superuser createrole createdb replication;
<CTRL+D to exit cli>
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
Create seed data:
rails profiles:seed
Run the server locally:
rails s
Run all the tests:
rails test
Deployed on Heroku, on the dev plan. This is limited 10k entries in the database (including connections and interests)
heroku --version
heroku login
heroku run -a ved-social-network rails seed:profiles
You can run the seed:profiles
script in the heroku dashboard (but sometimes it fails halfway in the browser):
- Select the app
- More -> Run Console
Or, goto this link.
- Run
rails seed:profiles