Course Enrollment Microservices, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot, Angular 7, MySQL, Cassandra Docker, Hibernate, Liquibase

The application structure is as follows.

  • microservice-user-management - Microservice implemented using Spring boot. More info
  • microservice-course-management - Microservice implemented using Spring boot. More info
  • microservice-log-management - Microservice implemented using Spring boot. More info
  • eureka-discovery-service - Microservice implemented using Spring eureka. More info
  • zuul-gateway-service - Microservice implemented using Spring zuul. More info
  • course-enrollment-client - A NodeJs application implemented using Angular 7. This consumes services hosted by server side. More info
  • docker-compose.yml - Docker compose file to run server services and course-enrollment-client in container.


1) Build Docker images and run it in containers using docker-compose from parent directory.

This also create container for Mysql and run it.

$ docker-compose up

NOTE: To run without docker container follow steps in faster-code-server project.

2) Build and run course-enrollment-client application (Important: docker-compose up will handle everything so this is not necessary part.)

$ cd course-enrollment-client
$ docker build -t course-enrollment-client .
$ docker run -d -p 4200:80 course-enrollment-client

Access application using following URL
