- Covid Infographics hub is a combination of real time video calling application which a mix of covid analytics and latest news updates on covid.
- The aim of the application is to make provide a better user interface which make the process easy and reliable.
- Since Heroku has shutdown it's free tier services the website is down.
- Demo of this project is added at the end of this README File.
- Login
- Registration
- Home Page
- VideoCall Page
- Audio Mute/Unmute 🔇
- Video on/Off 🔛
- Dyanmic News Update
- Covid Analytics Graph
- List of Hospitals
- Django (Python WebFramework)
- Javascript
- ngrok (avoided since app is hosted on heroku)
- Atlas MongoDB (Database)
-Heroku -Heroku-CLI
Here are the steps to follow to run this on you PC:
- Clone the repository
- If you have some modules missing type this command in terminal.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Once done , run the project using following commands
python manage.py runserver
- To stop the Server you can use Ctrl+C in the command prompt
- Home Page
- Login Page
- Registration Page
- Latest News
- Covid Analytics
- Hospitals