
Fundamentals for Cascade Style Sheet 5

MIT LicenseMIT


Fundamentals for Cascade Style Sheet

CSS Style Selectors

* - styling on all elements
#id - styling for particular id
.class - styling for particular group of elements
tag  - for a particular element
tag1, tag2 - multiple elements
tag1 tag2 - all tag2 inside tag1
tag1 > tag2 - all tag2 child of tag1
tag1 + tag2 - all tag1,tag2 combo (tag2 being next element after tag1)
//pseudo class
:hover - hover effect
:last-child - last child of element
:first-child - first child of element
!important - deems important so it can be overwritten

Sizes : {px, em, rem, %}

px - pixel size (std)
em - equally magnified to parent element or default size for that element
rem - equally magnified to root element i.e., html
% - size based on screen size

Browser support prefixes:

-moz-	-ms-	-webkit-	-o-

CSS Styling properties:-

  • color : text color
  • background-color
  • text-align
  • width: size
  • height: size
  • border : size type color;
  • margin: {size, updown sides, top right bottom left} [margin-left -right -top -bottom]
  • padding: {size, updown sides, top right bottom left} [padding-left -right -top -bottom]
  • box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px #888888;
  • box-sizing: {border-box, content-box];
  • background-image: url(...)
  • background-size: cover;
  • list-style: none;
  • display: {inline, block}
  • cursor: pointer;
  • text-decoration: {underline, line-through};
  • text-transform: {uppercase, lowercase};
  • line-height: size;
  • font-style: italic
  • font-weight: size
  • font-size: size
  • font-family: "Time New Roman, Georgia", family
  • letter-spacing: size
  • text-shadow: x y blur color;
3px 1px 0 white,
4px 2px 0 green,
5px 3px 0 red; ]
  • font-variant: {small-caps, inherit}
  • float: {left, right}; [use clear:both to avoid floating other contents]

flexbox (flexboxfroggy to practise)

  • display: flex;
  • flex-wrap: wrap;
  • justify-content: center


  • img {transition: all 1s;}
  • img:hover{transform: scale(1.1);}

Online Tools and Refrences