
Example to run s3-proxy backed by azure blob storage

Primary LanguageSmarty

Azure Blob Storage with S3Proxy Example

Minimal example to run s3-proxy backed by azure blob storage, using azurite to emulate Azure blob storage locally.


Run task k3d:create to create a local k3d kubernetes cluster, and task k8s:install to install the kubernetes manifests.

Run task k8s:delete to teardown the example and task k3d:destroy to delete the k3d cluster.

Azurite Configuration

Since we are mocking Azure blob storage with Azurite, the URL against which Azure blob storage API calls are made is the following: http://storage-azurite-service:10000/devstoreaccount1 where storage-azurite-service is the name of the kubernetes service assigned to the azurite pods, and devstoreaccount1 is the default storage account that gets created by Azurite.

Verify Azurite is up and running with azure CLI

Open a shell into the az-cli pod and run the following to create an Azure storage container in the default storage account (using fake default credentials for illustrative purposes).

az storage container create -n test --connection-string "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=changeme;BlobEndpoint=http://storage-azurite-service:10000/devstoreaccount1;QueueEndpoint=http://storage-azurite-service:10001/devstoreaccount1;"

Verify that the creation was successful by running

az storage container list --connection-string "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=changeme;BlobEndpoint=http://storage-azurite-service:10000/devstoreaccount1;QueueEndpoint=http://storage-azurite-service:10001/devstoreaccount1;"

S3Proxy Configuration

See the following instructions on how to configure the s3proxy environment variables to connect to an Azure storage backend.

Test S3Proxy

Open a shell into the mc-cli pod (this pod has the minio client installed into the main container, which can be used to make s3 API calls).

Create an alias for the s3proxy instance with the following:

mc alias set s3proxy http://s3proxy:8080 changeme changeme

Create a new bucket called tmp with:

mc mb s3proxy/tmp

Upload a file to the bucket:

echo test1 > test1.txt && mc cp test1.txt s3proxy/tmp/test1.txt

Verify that the file was uploaded successfully with:

mc cat s3proxy/tmp/test1.txt


  • Azurite emulator for Azure storage
  • s3proxy to proxy requests against the s3 api to different storage backends