
Handy commands to run in Go projects

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Go recipes 🦩

Handy commands to run in Go projects

Find Go versions of upstream modules

Use this when upgrading version of Go or finding old modules.

$ go list -deps -json ./... | jq -rc 'select(.Standard!="true") | [.Module.Path,.Module.GoVersion] | join(" ")' | grep -v "^ $" | uniq | sort -k 2
go.uber.org/atomic 1.13
go.uber.org/multierr 1.14
github.com/nikolaydubina/go-featureprocessing 1.15

Make histogram of Go files per package

Use this to see when package is too big or too small. Adjust histogram length to maximum value.

$ go list -json ./... | jq -rc '[.ImportPath, (.GoFiles | length)] | join(" ")' | perl -lane 'print (" " x (20 - $F[1]), "=" x $F[1], " ", $F[1], "\t", $F[0])'
  ================== 18	github.com/gin-gonic/gin
       ============= 13	github.com/gin-gonic/gin/binding
                   = 1	github.com/gin-gonic/gin/ginS
                   = 1	github.com/gin-gonic/gin/internal/bytesconv
                   = 1	github.com/gin-gonic/gin/internal/json
         =========== 11	github.com/gin-gonic/gin/render

Find packages without tests

If code coverage does not report packages without tests. This should be fast and good for CI.

$ go list -json ./... | jq -rc 'select((.TestGoFiles | length)==0) | .ImportPath'

Make graph of upstream packages

Use to find unexpected dependencies, visualize project. Works best for small number of packages. Without -deps only for current module.

$ go list -deps -json ./... | jq -c 'select(.Standard!="true") | {from: .ImportPath, to: .Imports[]}' | jsonl-graph | dot -Tsvg > package-graph.svg


Scrape details about upstream modules and make graph

Use to find low quality, unmaintained dependencies.

$ go mod graph | import-graph -i=gomod | jsonl-graph -color-scheme=file://$PWD/basic.json | dot -Tsvg > output.svg



# get https://graphviz.org/download/
# get https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/
$ go install github.com/nikolaydubina/jsonl-graph@latest
$ go install github.com/nikolaydubina/import-graph@latest
$ go mod download


.. are welcomed! 🤝