
Javascript library to interface with SandCage's API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

sandcage-api-js is a JavaScript library for interfacing with SandCage's API. The API documentation can be found at https://www.sandcage.com/docs/0.2/

Table of Contents

##Requirements ##Usage
var sandcage = SandCage('[YOUR SANDCAGE API KEY]');
sandcage.SandCage.listFiles({}, function(resp) {

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  • Code that you contribute will automatically be licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
  • Third party code will be reviewed, tested and possibly modified before being released.

These basic rules help ensure that this code remains Open Source and compatible with Apache 2.0 license. All contributions will be added to the changelog and appear in every release.