
What does it mean to connect to access point in blocking mode?

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Also, do I enter my access-point's ssid and password in the esp.ConnectAP?
esp.ConnectAP("accesspointname", "password", false);

Currently getting failed to acquire IP via uart over serial.

Initialized Uart...
Initialized ESP, connecting to AP...Failed to acquire IP!

Thanks for making this for the TivaC tm4c!

Hello and thank you for your interest in this library :)

  1. Blocking mode means that the connect function returns only when it has received "OK" or "ERROR" status.
  2. Yes, you call ConnectAP exactly the way you wrote it. There's an example in main.cpp file.

I can only see two possible reason for this problem. One is calling ConnectAP function in non-blocking mode and not giving it enough time to get IP. Second reason is a stretch but might have something to do with your AP name/password. If you have any special characters make sure you're escaping the correctly.

I would like to look a bit more into this issue if you are willing to provide more information. In the esp8266.cpp file, there's __DEBUG_SESSION__ macro which is by default turned off. Could you uncomment this macro, compile the library with it and run the program? Then send the resulting serial communication either here or to my email.