
habr.com proxy server

Primary LanguagePython

Habr proxy server

Requirements for runing localy: python 3.5+.

Runing localy

Clone repository and run next commands in the project root directory:

  • python -m venv ve
  • source ve/bin/activate
  • pip install -r ./requirements.txt
  • python proxy.py
  • open url in web browser

For runing tests exec next command in the project root directory (inside venv shell): python -m pytest ./src/tests.

Runing in Docker

Clone repository and run next commands in the project root directory:

  • docker image build --no-cache -t "habr_proxy:latest" . - building image
  • docker container run --name habr -p 8080:8080 -d habr_proxy:latest - runing container
  • open url in web browser