
PowerShell scripts to improve the Spotify service.

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Spotify Scripts

Spotify scripts to extend the capability of Spotify services.

  • spotify-add-current: Allows adding the currently playing track to the user's library without having to interact with the Spotify UI. Can be used to bind a key to save/unsave songs by executing the script. Uses the Spotify Web API in the background.
  • spotify-api-token-obtainer: Guides you through the process of obtaining a Spotify Web API token. No setup needed, just run the script and get your API access in no time. Note 1: This token is strictly for personal use. Note 2: The API token you obtain will only have the scope user-library-read, user-library-modify, user-read-currently-playing. If for some reason you need something else, you can easily modify the script (see line ~49).



Start by downloading the files. You can either clone the repository, or download as a ZIP and extract.

Then, you need to obtain a Spotify Web API token in order to use the scripts. The spotify-api-token-obtainer.ps1 script will guide you through the process.

(Optional) Install the BurntToast module to see notifications when the script is run.

You should now be able to run the spotify-add-current.ps1 script whenever you want to add/remove the currently playing track to/from your library. Don't forget that it is essential these scripts are run using PowerShell 7.1+.

Furthermore, you may want to package the necessary files as a single binary file. See below.

Packaging as EXE (Windows only)

  1. In your start menu, search for the file iexpress.exe. Run it as administrator.
  2. Use the template SED file from this repository, but only after you've edited the PATH\TO\FOLDER placeholders to be the correct paths for your system.
  3. Complete packaging the scripts.

You can now use the single binary file wherever you want.