This is the source code for an e-commerce bundle platform built on Workers, providing AppSumo/Woot-style deals on software/educational content.

Documentation is still in-progress, but here's a list of the important directories to check out:

  • api: Cloudflare Workers application that serves static HTML, CSS, and JS, as well as acts as a serverless API and webhook handler for Stripe.
  • app: Nuxt.js static application that renders data from as HTML/JS components.
  • lambda: A Lambda function managed by Serverless framework that writes information to a Google Sheet via an API request.
  • sanity: The dataset and configuration for the headless CMS deploy that powers this application.

This codebase isn't thoroughly documented yet, though eventually it will be possible to take it and deploy on your own in order to build an e-commerce store using Cloudflare Workers.


You should fork this repo onto your personal GitHub account. Once you've done that, comment out the lines found at the bottom of .gitignore.

A number of example configuration files have been set up across the codebase. These can be copied (and .example removed) to prepare the project for deployment:

  • cp config.example.js config.js
  • cp api/wrangler.example.toml api/wrangler.toml
  • cp sanity/sanity.example.json api/sanity.json

In addition, sanity/sanity.json should be duplicated to app/sanity.json so the Nuxt.js frontend can properly talk to your Sanity CMS deployment:

  • cp sanity/sanity.json app/sanity.json


As much as possible, the configuration has been contained to config.js - this allows the same information to be shared between the frontend, API, and other ancilliary tooling. Make sure to look inside that file for detailed comments on what each key/value pair does, and how to correctly configure it.


A number of wrangler secrets should be set for your application to work properly. Note that the wrangler.toml provided with this project contains two environments, a default (development) environment, and a production environment. These secrets should be set on both environments, which can be configured using the environment (-e) flag: e.g. wrangler secret put for development, and wrangler secret put -e production for production:

This section is in progress - the list of secrets can be found below, and explanations on how/where to get these values is coming soon.

Name What is it


You can see an example deployment at