
📚 askYourNotes: A Telegram bot for seamless note-taking and retrieval, powered by MongoDB Atlas for efficient storage and OpenAI's language model for intelligent search. Store, search, and get personalized insights from your notes effortlessly. Explore the future of note-taking via chat! 🚀 ---- created by ChatGPT

Primary LanguageTypeScript


askYourNotes is a Telegram bot designed to streamline note-taking and retrieval. It leverages MongoDB Atlas Search as a vector database for efficient storage and retrieval of notes, and it integrates OpenAI's powerful LLM to enhance search capabilities, providing a more intelligent and personalized assistant experience.


  • You can easily replace OpenAI with other LLM processors such as Hugging Face, Ollama, etc., based on your preferences.
  • You can easily replace the vector DB as a source of your data


  • Store and Search through your notes using keywords or phrases to find the information you need quickly.
  • Leverage LLM (Large Language Model) capabilities to deliver more than just simple search results. It understands the context of your queries and provides insightful responses.

Tech Stack

  • bun (package installer) -- experiment
  • node 18.12.1 strict
  • vector db: MongoDB atlas (or chroma db)
  • LLM: openai API (or hugging face infer or ollama)


To install and run askVeedaBot on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/iqbaaaaalf/askYourNotes.git
  1. Install the required dependencies:
cd askVeedaBot
bun install
  1. Configure the bot:

Create a new Telegram bot and obtain the API token.

OpenAI API key is required since we are using the embedding function text-embedding-ada-002 of openAI

export OPENAI_KEY=your_openai_api_key
export TELEGRAM_TOKEN=your_telegram_bot_token
export MONGO_USER=your_mongodb_user
export MONGO_PASSWORD=your_mongodb_password

  1. Start the bot:
npm start:notes

Additional notes

  1. Two Projects in One: This repository consists of two projects, AskYourNotes and Tanya Jago Bot (deprecated).
  2. Learning and Exploration: The primary purpose of this repository is as a learning project, exploring the concept of note-taking via chat. The idea is to adapt to the common practice of storing information in chat interfaces.