
Primary LanguagePython

MetaDEx: The Metagenomic Data Explorer

Comparative metagenomics is based on determining features of interest from differentially abundant counts. Differential abundance does not imply importance to one's study, and can be the result of differences in diversity. A key question of interest in comparative metagenomics is to identify the role of environment on the functionome. Essentially, which gene functions are undergoing selection pressures in a given environment?

MetaDEx is a simple Python package for determining environmentally relevant functions and subsystems for comparative metagenomic data. The package receives annotations from MG-RAST and continues with a straightforward workflow for determining genes and subsystems of interest.

Install MetaDEx


Python 3.5+, packages: pandas, numpy, aiohttp, asyncio, Boruta, scikitbio, scikit-learn, seaborn, matplotlib, brunel, biopython

MetaDEx can be installed via PyPI:

pip install metadex

Get Study Information from MG-RAST

MG-RAST assigns each metagenome a metagenome ID (mgm...). For each metagenome you would like to include in your study, you will need:

  • metagenome ID
  • corresponding assigned group
  • corresponding assigned sample ID (within the group can be 1, 2, 3; or something more specfic)

Download Gene Counts Matrix from MG-RAST

  1. Go to Analyze section of MG-RAST
  2. Select all metagenomes in project
  3. Select matrix
  4. Export to CSV (tab-separated CSV)

Getting Annotations from MG-RAST

Based on the information above, we can download the full counts (the main information) directly via API:

Here is an example for a public data set from the MG-RAST data repository:

metadex.get_all_async('lagoon study', {'mgm4739968.3':'nador_lagoon', 'mgm4739969.3':'oualidia_lagoon', 'mgm4739970.3': 'oualidia_lagoon', 'mgm4739971.3':'nador_lagoon'}, 'RefSeq', evalue=5, identity=60, length=15) 

To see how metadex handles this data set, you can find the full example in the accompanying Jupyter Notebook.

This function asynchronously calls the MG-RAST API to get all metagenomic annotations for a study from the MG-RAST servers and stores each sample as a CSV in the study directory.



  • study (str): the name of the directory where all the counts will be located
  • metagenomeGroupDict (dict): dictionary of the format {MGRAST id: group}
  • source (str): annotation source, e.g. RefSeq, GenBank, SEED. See MG-RAST API docs
  • evalue (int): e-value cut-off. See MG-RAST API docs
  • identity (int): percentage identity cut-off for annotations. See MG-RAST API docs
  • length (int): length parameter for MG-RAST API call. See MG-RAST API docs


Returns: None, saves all annotations in folder named study

Reading Annotations from Study into Metadex



studyName should be the name of the directory containing individual counts files, each with the formatting of *[group]_[ID].tsv where represents wildcard. If you used the get annotations function, 'folder' should be the same as the name of your study


Load Gene Counts Matrix into Study

Load the Gene counts matrix, because it will help with finding genes of interest:


Remember the gene counts matrix you downloaded from MG-RAST's 'Analyze' interface? Load the separated text file using its location.

Loading Study Counts into Metadex

If you have counts files, you can load them into a Metadex study:



folder should be the name of the directory containing individual counts files, each with the formatting of *[group]_[ID].csv where represents wildcard.

Can accept any folder name, so can load counts data that has been annotated and/or normalised.


Creates a Study, which contains:

Study.counts => list of counts DataFrames Study.groups => list of corresponding groups Study.iDs => list of corresponding ID within the groups

Normalising Counts

Counts need to be normalised. Metadex takes care of this too:





normalises Study.counts via rarefaction and recodification Study.counts will be replaced with the rarefied and recodified version

Annotating with Lineage Information

The counts data has species info, but this may obscure trends that occur along higher taxonomic levels. Thus, metadex updates the counts data with correspondin information for phylum, class, order, and family:


This step requires persistent communication with the Entrez servers, and will take a while. Thankfully it outputs each query to the console. ### Input Study.counts


Study.counts will have additional columns denoting phylum, class, order, and family for each annotation

Determining Subsystems of Interest

While MG-RAST allows you to visualise genes that have changed using their 'Analyze' interface, Metadex leverages the Boruta feature selection method to determine differences between groups and samples and each level of functional hierarchy.

Boruta uses a specific threshold for feature selection (see [here] (http://danielhomola.com/2015/05/08/borutapy-an-all-relevant-feature-selection-method/)) and each can be manipulated as per your needs.

metadex.Study.determine_subsystems_of_interest(level, percentage)

At each functional level, Boruta will provide selected and weakly selected features. These should help guide the user as to potential genes of interest that merit further examination.

Focusing on Gene (User Query)

Once the user has a potential gene or gene family of interest in mind, they can zoom in to that subset of the data.


Visualising Diversity for Gene

Understanding how a gene seen in an environment is distributed is a key insight to understanding the link between gene function and environment. Metadex provides ways to depict both the quantitative and qualitative facts of this relationship within one's study:

metadex.Study.visualise_diversity_for_gene(geneName, searchString)