
A super-mini Python text editor

Primary LanguagePython

✏️ Text Edit in Wonderland ✏️

Alice with Pig

The mini text editor for people who want to focus on learning Python packaging. This text editor lets you:

  • Count the number of words, sentences, and characters in a file
  • Determine the Colman-Liau readabilty index
  • Replace a phrase or string with another phrase
  • Change spacing between sentences from single space period to double space/period and backwards

and not much else.


These directions are for OSX/Linux-based systems. Windows will be slightly different.

  1. You'll need at least Python 3.5 to run Text Edit.
  2. git clone https://gitlab.com/veekaybee/textedit.git
  3. cd textedit
  4. Run pip install .
  5. That's it! You're ready to use textedit.
  6. If you encounter any issues, export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/texteditpath" to your ~/.bashrc or Windows equivalent.
  7. Running tests: python -m unittest discover to test basic wordcount functionality.


Python 3.5

Using the Package API

To import into your Python code:

import textedit

You can run the code interactively:


python replace.py ../texts/alice.txt "Vicki" "Dora the Explorer"
Old Wordcount ('Words:', 274)
WC __name__: WC
New Wordcount ('Words:', 281)
parsefile __name__: __main__


mbp-vboykis:review vboykis$ python wordcount.py "../texts/alice.txt"
('Words:', 274)
('Sentences:', 7)
('Letters:', 1120)

# Readability

mbp-vboykis:review vboykis$ python readability.py "../texts/alice.txt"
('Reading Grade Level of Text:', 7)

Or, you can import it and use on a text file:

from review import readability  #import everything in the file named readability
from review.wordcount import WC #import classes specifically
from edit.spacing import Spacing
from edit.replace import Replace

test_file = '../texts/pool_of_tears.txt'

# Count words

alice = WC(test_file)

# Readability Index

# Change Spacing
sp = Spacing(test_file)
print("Spaces replaced")

# Replace Words
Replace(test_file, "Alice", "Dora the Explorer")
print("Words replaced")


None! This is not a production-ready package. Install on your local machine and test it out and break things.

Built With

Love and Alice in Wonderland.



This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. No guarantees, batteries sold separately.