A generic algorithm library for crystal-lang.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: TobiasGSmollett/crystalg
require "crystalg"
include Crystalg::Strings
input = "mississippi"
hash = input
puts hash.count("issi")
crystal spec
To Do
- Graph
- Bellman-Ford algorithm
- Warshall Floyd
- Kruskal
- Topological Sort
- Minimum-Cost Arborescence
- Articulation Points
- Bridges
- Strongly Connected Components
- Cycle Detection for a Directed Graph
- Tree
- Diameter
- Height
- Lowest Common Ancestor
- Heavy-Light Decomposition
- Flow Alogirithm
- Edmons-Karp
- Dinic
- Ford-Fulkerson
- Minimum Cost Flow
- Hopcroft-Karp
- Data Structure
- Segment Tree
- Fenwick Tree
- Red Black Tree
- Link-Cut Tree
- kD Tree
- Leftist Heap
- Skew Heap
- String Algorithm
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt
- Boyer-Moore
- Aho-Corasick
- Baker-Bird
- Trie
- Suffix Array
- Suffix Automaton
- Number Theory
- Prime Factorize
- Power
- Least Common Multiple
- Euler's Phi Function
- Extended Euclid Algorithm
- Stern-Brocot Tree
- Mobius Function
- Carmichael Function
- Computational Geometry
- Projection
- Reflection
- Counter-Clockwise
- Parallel/Orthogonal
- Intersection
- Cross Point
- Distance
- Area
- Is-Convex
- Polygon-Point Containment
- Convex Hull
- Diameter of a Convex Polygon
- Convex Cut
- Closest Pair
- Segment Intersections
- Circle Intersection
- Cross Points of a Circle and a Line
- Cross Points of Circles
- Tangent to a Circle
- Common Tangent
- Intersection of a Circle and a Polygon
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create a new Pull Request
- TobiasGSmollett tobias - creator, maintainer