Yale CELI list of companies

This project contains AWS Lambda functions to provide a standardized API to the list of companies maintained by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his team of experts, research fellows, and students at the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute.

The Lambda functions include:

  • lambda-api-companies-post - extracts and transforms data from the original Yale list, joins with supplementary data and writes to the DynamoDB table.
  • lambda-api-companies-get - fetches data from the DynamoDB table.

See README.md in each lambda function for further guidance.

General remarks about the database

  • Before running lambda functions first create DynamoDB table. For Primary key, enter slug.
  • The DynamoDB table has no ID other than slug. As a result:
    • A new DB entry overwrites an old one.
    • An edge case may arise with two entries having the same slug. In such case one will overwrite the other.
    • Old entries are not removed unless overwritten.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.