
Ruby interface to the eBay XML Trading API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

eBay API Client for Ruby

Build Status

The api implements the ebay Trading API. To get a list of calls look here: http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/XML/docs/Reference/eBay/index.html



Some key features:

  • Simple and easy to use Ruby implementation.
  • Ability to return a raw response for calls that return an extremely large response such as GetCategoriesRequest.
  • Up-to-date with the eBay API, see /lib/ebay/schema/version.rb
  • Months of usage in a production environment.
  • Support for Platform Notifications baked right in.

For examples of many common tasks see the examples folder. Start with get_ebay_time.rb. You need to get a develper account and place a config.rb (see template) in the examples directory.

API Version and Schema Updates

Please follow this steps whenever you need to update API version and corresponding scheme.

rake schema:update
rake classes:generate
rake test

Maintainers Note: Each schema update must be tagged schema-vXXX where XXX is schema version.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ebay', github: 'veeqo/ebay'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Request events

The gem fires ASN event on every request to eBay API.

Default event name is ebay_trading_api.request.details.

Event payload is a Hash which contains the following data:

  • :api_endpoint -- call name, i.e. 'GeteBayOfficialTime'
  • :api_version -- API schema version, i.e. '1211'
  • :method -- request method, always 'post' as no other is used
  • :request_context -- a Hash with additional request context, by default contains site_id,
  • :response (optional) -- contains a response object type of Ebay::Response; exists only when the request reached eBay API.
  • :exception (optional) -- contains exception data when the exception raised on reaching eBay API, i.e. request timeout; format is [exception_class_name, exception_message] (see ActiveSupport documentation on this),
  • :exception_object (optional) -- contains original exception object in case of exception (see ActiveSupport documentation on this).

Example successful payload:

  api_endpoint: 'GeteBayOfficialTime',
  api_version: '1211',
  method: 'post',
  request_context: { site_id: 3 },
  response: #<Ebay::Response:0x0000557285b0f9d0
      "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<GeteBayOfficialTimeResponse xmlns=\"urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents\"><Timestamp>2006-07-05T14:23:03.399Z</Timestamp><Ack>Success</Ack><Version>467</Version><Build>e467_core_Bundled_3145691_R1</Build></GeteBayOfficialTimeResponse>\n",

Example payload with exception:

  api_endpoint: 'GeteBayOfficialTime',
  api_version: '1211',
  method: 'post',
  request_context: { site_id: 3 },
  exception: ['Errno::ECONNRESET', 'Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect'],
  exception_object: #<Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect>

Events configuration

Event name

Event name can be configured:

Ebay::Api.configure do |config|
  config.request_event_name = 'custom_event_name'

Request context

request_context can be extended via the API client initializer:

ebay_api = Ebay::Api.new ebay_auth_token: auth_token, site_id: 3, request_context: { foo: :bar }

or set for the existing client object:

ebay_api = Ebay::Api.new ebay_auth_token: auth_token, site_id: 3
ebay_api.request_context = { foo: :bar }

so the request_context in the payload will contain passed data:

  # ...
  request_context: { site_id: 3, foo: :bar }


As long as the event as default ASN events, subscription logic is the same as for any other ASN event.

ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(Ebay::Api.request_event_name) do |name, start_time, end_time, _, payload|
  puts payload


Run wwtd --parallel to test with appraisals. Run rake to test with current Gemfile.


This is a fork of original ebay gem by codyfauser. It has commits applied from other forks:


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/veeqo/ebay