
Alice and Bob work in a beautiful orchard. There are N apple trees in the orchard. The apple trees are arranged in a row and they are numbered from 1 to N. Alice is planning to collect all the apples from K consecutive trees and Bob is planning to collect all the apples from L consecutive trees. They want to choose two disjoint segments (one consisting of K trees for Alice and the other consisting of L trees for Bob) so as not to disturb each other. What is the maximum number of apples that they can collect? Write a function that given an array A consisting of N integers denoting the number of apples on each apple tree in the row, and integers K and L denoting, respectively, the number of trees that Alice and Bob can choose when collecting, returns the maximum number of apples that can be collected by them, or -1 if there are no such intervals. For example, given A =[6, 1,4,6,3,2,7,4], K=3, L=2, your function should return 24, because Alice can choose trees 3 to 5 and collect 4 + 6 + 3 = 13 apples, and Bob can choose trees 7 to 8 and collect 7 + 4 = 11 apples. Thus, they will collect 13 + 11 = 24 apples in total, and that is the maximum number that can be achieved. Given A = [10, 19, 15], K = 2, L = 2, your function should return -1, because it is not possible for Alice and Bob to choose two disjoint intervals. Assume that: N is an integer within the range [2..600]; K and L are integers within the range [1 .. N-1]; each element of array A is an integer within the range [1..500] In your solution focus on correctness. The performance of your solution will not be the focus of the assessment. solve this