- Preparing 5-Node Kubernetes Cluster on Play with Kubernetes Platform
- Setting up WeaveScope For Visualization on PWK
- Introductory Slides
- Deploying Your First Nginx Pod
- Viewing Your Pod
- Where is your Pod running on?
- Pod Output in JSON
- Executing Commands against Pod
- Terminating a Pod
- Adding a 2nd container to a Pod
- Introductory Slides
- Creating Your First ReplicaSet - 4 Pods serving Nginx
- Removing a Pod from ReplicaSet
- Scaling & Autoscaling a ReplicaSet
- Best Practices
- Deleting ReplicaSets
- Introductory Slides
- Creating Your First Deployment
- Checking the list of application deployment
- Scale up/down application deployment
- Scaling the service to 2 Replicas
- Perform rolling updates to application deployment
- Rollback updates to application deployment
- Cleaning Up
- Introductory Slides
- How Kubernetes Selects the Right node?
- Node Affinity
- Anti-Node Affinity
- Nodes taints and tolerations
- Introductory Slides
- Deploy a Kubernetes Service?
- Service Exposing More Than One Port
- Kubernetes Service Without Pods?
- Service Discovery
- Connectivity Methods
- Headless Service In Kubernetes?
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- The difference between a Statefulset and a Deployment
- Deploying a Stateful Application Using Kubernetes Statefulset?
- Deploying NFS Server
- Deploying PV
- Deploying PVC
- Using Volume
- Recreate Pod
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- Why DaemonSets in Kubernetes?
- Creating your first DeamonSet Deployment
- Restrict DaemonSets To Run On Specific Nodes
- How To Reach a DaemonSet Pod
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- Creating Your First Kubernetes Job
- Multiple Parallel Jobs (Work Queue)
- Kubernetes Job Failure and Concurrency Considerations
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- What is Kubernetes ingress?
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- What is a Kubernetes Secret?
- Creating Kubernetes Secrets Objects
- Using The Command Line and Text Files
- Using The Command Line and Literal Input
- Using Definition Files
- Using Base64 and The Data Parameter
- Using Clear Text and The StringData Parameter
- Getting The Secret Data Back
- How You Can Use Your Defined Secrets in Kubernetes
- Accessing Secrets Through Files Inside a Volume
- Accessing Secrets Through Environment Variables
- Using ImagePullSecrets To Authenticate To Private Image Registries
- Using ImagePullSecrets When You Don’t Have The Authentication File
- Using ImagePullSecrets When You Already Have The Authentication File
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Overview
- Creating a Kubernetes User Account Using X509 Client Certificate
- Note For Local And Self-Hosted Clusters Users
- Authorization Using Kubernetes Roles
- Cluster-Wide Authorization Using ClusterRoles
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- What is Kubernetes Service Catalog?
- The Kubernetes Service
- Catalog Resources
- Catalog components
- Creating a sample Service Catalog
- Installing Service Catalog Helm Repo
- Installing Service Catalog Helm Chart
- Installing Service Catalog Helm Chart
- Installing minibroker
- Viewing the classes and plans for the Service Broker
- Using the Service Broker services
- Using the Service Broker services
- Creating the ServiceBinding
- Using the Service Catalog Service
- Cleaning up
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- What Is Cluster Networking In Kubernetes Sense?
- Kubernetes Networking Rules
- Types of Networks
- What is a Container Network Interface (CNI)?
- LAB- Weave Net Implementation
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- What is a Kubernetes Network Policy?
- Creating Your First NetworkPolicy Definition
- How can we fine-tune Network Policy using selectors?
- Deny Ingress Traffic That Has No Rules
- Deny Egress Traffic That Has No Rules
- Allow All Ingress Traffic Exclusively
- Allow All Egress Traffic Exclusively
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- Kubernetes Autoscaling Building Blocks
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
- Vertical Pods Autoscaler
- Cluster Autoscaler
- How Kubernetes Autoscalers Interact Together
- Introductory Slides (Pending)
- Core Monitoring Pipeline
- Services Monitoring Pipeline
- What should you consider in Kubernetes Services Pipeline?
- What about Metrics Visualization?
- Changes To Watch For
- Heapster is Going Away
- Metrics Server Will Get More Cool Features
- Ajeet Singh Raina
- Sangam Biradar
- Rachit Mehrotra
- Saiyam Pathak
- Divyajeet Singh
- Lab #00: Running Nginx Pod
- Lab #01: Creating Nginx Pod
- Lab #02: Deleting Nginx Pod
- Lab #03: Creating a Deployment with 3 replicas of NGINX service
- Lab #04: Scaling the Deployment
- Installing Helm to deploy Kubernetes Applications on Docker Enterprise 2.0 Made Easy
- Building Helm Chart for Kubernetes Cluster running on Docker Enterprise 2.0 using Docker-app 0.6.0
- Kubernetes Hands-on Lab #4 – Deploy Prometheus Stack using Helm on Play with Kubernetes Platform
- Installing Helm to deploy Kubernetes Applications on Docker Enterprise 2.0 Made Easy