
Ansible role to install necessary packages and configure Ubuntu and MacOS.

Primary LanguageJinja

Ansible Role: prepare_dev_setup

Release Lint and Test Ansible Role Ansible Galaxy Role Name GitHub release (release name instead of tag name)

An ansible role to install necessary packages and configure my Ubuntu and macOS.

Windows Mac

OS Architecture Tested
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS arm64, amd64
macOS 14.0 arm64


Example: veerendra2/prepare-my-machine

ansible-galaxy install veerendra2.prepare_dev_setup
- hosts: all

    - veerendra2.prepare_dev_setup

Dafault variables

# docker configuration for Ubuntu
install_docker: false
enable_docker_swarm_metrics: false
enable_docker_live_restore: false
enable_userns_remap: false
enable_docker_swarm_mode: false
docker_swarm_advertise_addr: ""

# clone your git repos
git_projects: []

# authorized keys from url (example; https://github.com/veerendra2.keys)
public_keys_url: ""

# install dotfiles [https://github.com/veerendra2/dotfiles.git]
install_dotfiles: true

# install bettercap [https://www.bettercap.org/]
install_bettercap: true

# add hosts to ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  - github.com
  - gitlab.com