Quassel IRC - Release Notes =========================== Please find the current release notes at <http://quassel-irc.org>. On first run of the Quassel core, it will wait for a client to connect and present a first-run wizard that will allow you to create the database and one admin user for the core-side storage. To add more users, run: `quasselcore --add-user` To change the password of an existing user: `quasselcore --change-userpass=username` The manageusers.py script is deprecated. IRC is the preferred means of getting in touch with the developers. The Quassel IRC Team can be contacted on Freenode/#quassel (or #quassel.de). We always welcome new users in our channels! Our homepage is <http://quassel-irc.org> The bugtracker can be found at <http://bugs.quassel-irc.org> The dev team can be reached by email: <devel@quassel-irc.org> Thanks for reading, ~ The Quassel IRC Team