
[RFC] Provide matching sequence on XML\Reader

veewee opened this issue · 2 comments

veewee commented


New Feature yes
RFC yes
BC Break yes


This would be a BC break!

Currently, the reader yields only the XML strings that match your criteria.
It could make sense to wrap that string-result with some kind of MatchingNode class.
That way, it is possible to detect some more information about the match.

For example:

final class MatchingNode
    public function __construct(
        public readonly string $xml,
        public readonly NodeSequence $sequence,

So given this reader:

$reader = Reader::fromXmlString(<<<'EOXML'
            <item>Product 1</item>
            <item>Product 2</item>
            <item>Category 1</item>
            <item>Category 2</item>

You could match on both products and categories items all at once, and make it possible to segment them again in 1 go.

$matches = $reader->provide(Matcher\element_name('item');

foreach ($matches as $match) {
    $xml = $match->xml;
    $isProducts = $match->sequence->at(1)?->name === 'products';


I think providing the outer “NodeSequence” in each iteration is great, then I assume they’ll be a method like “->getXml()” or something to get what you have currently?

veewee commented

Yes, the yielded match object would contain both the XML string (what we have right now) and the sequence of the match.
It's not the outer sequence (as-in parents only), but in the example above it would be similar to either of those:

  • root > products > item
  • root > categories > item

depending on what it mached on.

(just using a breadcrumbs-like notation here, it are actually DTOs which contain more information about the element, it's parent tree and attributes)