- 0
Future RFCs
#89 opened by veewee - 22
- 1
#85 opened by x3ng1n33r - 1
This library is amazing.
#83 opened by iBotPeaches - 1
Investigate new PHP 84 DOM features
#72 opened by veewee - 2
- 3
Loading UTF-16 XML
#75 opened by bendavies - 2
forFile fails if file does not exist
#70 opened by mvenghaus - 2
[RFC] Provide matching sequence on XML\Reader
#58 opened by veewee - 2
#62 opened by frederikbosch - 0
Improve functions autloader
#6 opened by veewee - 3
xmlns:default added, how to remove?
#51 opened by josh-patchworks - 7
Document traverse works only once
#49 opened by rauanmayemir - 1
Use of mutation testing in xml - Help needed
#44 opened by belene - 0
Fix PSL 2 support
#36 opened by veewee - 1
Feature: element_encode()
#31 opened by lykciv - 0
Feature: decode_from_element()
#25 opened by veewee