
The results included the distances between sequence and itself

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear @stevenweaver ,


I ran the following command line without any error reported:

hivtrace -i XX.fasta -a resolve -r HXB2_pol -t .015 -m 500 -g .05

However, the results in the csv file included the distance between every sequence and itself.

When viewing the JSON file, it failed.

The fasta file includes 66 sequences without any duplicates.

I have no clue so I am writing to ask for your favor.

Many thanks.

Best wishes,

spond commented

Dear @Huanchang-Yan,

This behavior simply means that you have no clusters in your dataset. The visualization module is showing you an empty network. Switch over to the Statistics tab and confirm.


Dear @spond ,

Thanks for your response.

Actually, there are some pairwise distances below the threshold of 0.015.
I think, the failure of the network visualization might be due to the results that contains pairwise distance between every sequence and itself, just like this in output.csv:
1 (2)
Also, I tried other methods such as Hyphy and MicrobeTrace, and used the same threshold, and I did find some clusters. But I have no clue to get it correctly in HIVTRACE.

Best wishes,

spond commented

Dear @Huanchang-Yan,

Would you mind sharing the JSON file produced by HIV-TRACE? You can e-mail it to me (


Dear @spond ,

Just now, I tried to load the file on instead of using the command hivtrace_viz <path_to_json_file>, and then it worked well.

Thank you a lot.

Best wishes,