
A collection of pratical examples, demos and projects, created for personal reference and portifolio

MIT LicenseMIT

Compendium logo

Placeholder art (made by me!)


A little bit of everything, all of the time

What's compendium?

A collection of pratical open-source projects, created for personal reference, lessons, and portifolio. Feel free to explore and use parts of my projects in yours, everything is licensed with MIT, which basically means use my code free as long my license is included in your project as credits!

Each folder is a category, containing one or more submodules linked to external repositories.

  • Assets - Free asset packs, tilemaps, models, etc.
  • General - Tech/art related projects that doesn't fit any specific category, broad studies, experiments, etc.
  • Cloud - Infrastructure, DevOps examples, IaaC deploy-ready projects, applications, etc.
  • Games - Gamedev projects, complete games, demos/tech-demos, simulations, etc.

How can I do something similar to this?

Well, Github supports something called submodules, that's how this repository points to different repositories, each with its separate project, files, and concept. Basically, you make repos normally and later unify them into a centralized porfolio containing them as submodules. There is actually a perfect guide to submodules here and also my section in git_elements right in this repo. Hope it helps!

Most of these projects are under MIT licenses, which means you are absolutely free to use their code in your own projects as long as you reference the source and include its license notice. If any of these projects inspire you, you're welcome to take them as a foundation to do your own.