Educational Project - Client Part

Welcome to the client part of our educational project! This section provides an interface for interacting with the weather data simulated by the server part. The server simulates weather sensor measurements, including daily temperature and precipitation status. The client retrieves this data in JSON format and generates temperature charts for each day.

Project Description

The client part of the project is built using Java 20 and utilizes various technologies to enhance user experience and data visualization. Key technologies employed in this section include:

  • Java 20: The programming language used for developing the client application.
  • Jackson: A powerful JSON processing library for serialization and deserialization.
  • Spring Web: A Spring framework module simplifying web application development.
  • XChart: A library enabling the creation of interactive and customizable charts and graphs.
  • Hibernate Validator: A validation framework ensuring data integrity and validating user input.

Getting Started

To begin with the client part of the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the client project in your preferred Java IDE.
  3. Build and run the project.

Modern Spring Patterns

The client part of the project adheres to modern Spring patterns for organized and maintainable code. It implements DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) for defining data structures exchanged between the client and server. Services handle business logic, and repositories facilitate data access and manipulation.

Feel free to explore the codebase to understand how these patterns create a robust and scalable client application.