
Reusable workflows for GitHub Actions to build/test Haxe code.

Primary LanguageHaxeApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Build License Contributor Covenant

Feedback and high-quality pull requests are highly welcome!

  1. What is it?
  2. Usage
  3. Build/test using the test-with-haxe workflow
  4. Build/test using the test-with-haxe action
  5. Install Haxe and Haxe Libraries using the setup-haxe action
  6. Install Haxe compiler targets using the setup-haxe-targets action
  7. Testing locally with act
  8. License

What is it?

A repository with Reusable workflows and composite actions to build/test Haxe programs using Github Actions on Ubuntu, MacOS, or Windows.

The workflows/actions do the heavy lifting of installing compatible versions of required compiler targets with the correct configuration/libraries depending on the runner OS and the desired Haxe version.

For faster re-runs caching of Haxe libraries and other components is configured.

Usage Usage

Build/test using the test-with-haxe reusable workflow

The test-with-haxe-workflow installs Haxe, Haxe libraries, compiler targets and runs the tests against the selected targets.

Simple config:

name: My Haxe Build


    uses: vegardit/haxe-reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/test-with-haxe.yml@v1
      runner-os: ubuntu-latest
      haxe-version: 4.2.5
      haxe-args: myconfig.hxml # default is "tests.hxml"
      haxe-libs: hx3compat hscript # haxe libraries to be installed

      # Haxe targets to test with:
      test-cpp:    true
      test-cs:     true
      test-eval:   true
      test-hl:     true
      test-java:   true
      test-jvm:    true
      test-lua:    true
      test-neko:   true
      test-node:   true
      test-php:    true
      test-python: true

The test-<target>: parameters accepts one of the following values:

  • a boolean value (true or false) to enable/disable the target tests, or
  • a string with Haxe compiler arguments, e.g. my-custom.hxml -D foo=1, or
  • a multi-line YAML string for detailed configuration
    test-cpp: |
      enabled:         true           # enable/disable tests of this target, default is ´false´
      haxe-args:       tests-cpp.hxml # custom Haxe compiler arguments for this target, default is the value specified for `haxe-args` or `tests.hxml`
      allow-failure:   true           # if tests of this targets fail don't fail the whole build, default is ´false´
      retries:         3              # number of test retries, default is `0`
      timeout-minutes: 5              # the maximum number of time the target tests can lasts otherwise the tests fail

Complex config:

name: My Haxe Build

  workflow_dispatch: # this allows you to manually trigger a run with input parameters
        description: "Start an SSH session for debugging purposes after tests ran:"
        default: never
        type: choice
        options: [ always, on_failure, on_failure_or_cancelled, never ]
        description: "Limit access to the SSH session to the GitHub user that triggered the job."
        default: true
        type: boolean
        description: "Only start an SSH session for jobs matching this regex pattern:"
        default: ".*"
        type: string

    uses: vegardit/haxe-reusable-workflows/.github/workflows/test-with-haxe.yml@v1
      fail-fast: false
        - ubuntu-latest
        - macos-latest
        - windows-latest
        - nightly # latest development build
        - latest  # latest stable release
        - 4.2.5
        - 3.4.7
      runner-os: ${{ matrix.os }}
      haxe-version: ${{ matrix.haxe }}
      haxe-args: myconfig.hxml # default is "tests.hxml"
      haxe-libs: | # haxe libraries to be installed:
        hscript               # install latest version from lib.haxe.org
        haxe-concurrent@4.1.0 # install fixed version from lib.haxe.org
        haxe-files@git:https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-files # install version from default git branch
        haxe-strings@git:https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-strings#v7.0.2 # install version from specific git tag
      output-dir: binaries # output folder for compilation artifacts relative to work-dir
      work-dir: module1    # working directory (CWD)

      # Haxe targets to test with, by default all are set to false:
      test-cpp:  true
      test-cs:   true
      test-eval: true
      test-flash: |
        enabled:         ${{ ! startsWith(matrix.os, 'macos') }} # FlashPlayer hangs on macOS
        haxe-args:       tests-flash.hxml
        allow-failure:   true
        retries:         4
        timeout-minutes: 5
      test-hl: ${{ matrix.haxe != '3.4.7' }} # HashLink not compatible with Haxe 3.x
      test-java: |
        java-version: 11
      test-jvm: |
        java-version: 17
      test-lua: |
        lua-version: 5.1
      test-neko: true
      test-node: tests-node.hxml # run tests with a target specific hxml file
      test-php:  true
      test-python: |
        python-version: 3.9

      retries: 2 # number of additional retries in case a test run fails, default is 0

      job-timeout-minutes: 30 # max. duration of the workflow, default is 60
      test-timeout-minutes: 5 # max. duration per target test, default is 10

      # bash script to be executed after compiler targets are installed and before target tests are executed
      before-tests: |
        echo "Preparing tests..."

      # bash script to be executed after tests were executed
      after-tests: |
        case "$GITHUB_JOB_STATUS" in
          success)   echo "Sending success report..." ;;
          failure)   echo "Sending failure report..." ;;
          cancelled) echo "Nothing to do, job cancelled" ;;
          *)         echo "ERROR: Unexpected job status [$GITHUB_JOB_STATUS]"; exit 1 ;;

      # provide SSH access to the GitHub runner for manual debugging purposes
      debug-with-ssh: ${{ inputs.debug-with-ssh || 'never' }}
      debug-with-ssh-only-for-actor: ${{ inputs.debug-with-ssh-only-for-actor || false }}
      debug-with-ssh-only-jobs-matching: ${{ inputs.debug-with-ssh-only-jobs-matching }}

Build/test using the test-with-haxe action

The test-with-haxe-action installs Haxe, Haxe libraries, compiler targets and runs the tests against the selected targets.

Simple config:

name: My Haxe Build


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Git Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Test with Haxe
      uses: vegardit/haxe-reusable-workflows/.github/actions/test-with-haxe@v1
        haxe-version: 4.2.5
        haxe-args: myconfig.hxml # default is "tests.hxml"
        haxe-libs: hx3compat hscript # libraries to be installed

        # Haxe targets to test with:
        test-cpp:    true
        test-cs:     true
        test-eval:   true
        test-hl:     true
        test-java:   true
        test-jvm:    true
        test-lua:    true
        test-neko:   true
        test-node:   true
        test-php:    true
        test-python: true
    # other steps ...

The test-<target>: parameters accepts one of the following values:

  • a boolean value (true or false) to enable/disable the target tests, or
  • a string with Haxe compiler arguments, e.g. my-custom.hxml -D foo=1, or
  • a multi-line YAML string for detailed configuration
    test-cpp: |
      enabled:         true           # enable/disable tests of this target, default is ´false´
      haxe-args:       tests-cpp.hxml # custom Haxe compiler arguments for this target, default is the value specified for `haxe-args` or `tests.hxml`
      allow-failure:   true           # if tests of this targets fail don't fail the whole build, default is ´false´
      retries:         3              # number of test retries, default is `0`
      timeout-minutes: 5              # the maximum number of time the target tests can lasts otherwise the tests fail

Complex config:

name: My Haxe Build

  workflow_dispatch: # this allows you to manually trigger a run with input parameters
        description: "Start an SSH session for debugging purposes after tests ran:"
        default: never
        type: choice
        options: [ always, on_failure, on_failure_or_cancelled, never ]
        description: "Limit access to the SSH session to the GitHub user that triggered the job."
        default: true
        type: boolean
        description: "Only start an SSH session for jobs matching this regex pattern:"
        default: ".*"
        type: string

    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      fail-fast: false
        - ubuntu-latest
        - macos-latest
        - windows-latest
        - nightly # latest development build
        - latest  # latest stable release
        - 4.2.5
        - 3.4.7

    - name: Git Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Test with Haxe
      uses: vegardit/haxe-reusable-workflows/.github/actions/test-with-haxe@v1
        haxe-version: ${{ matrix.haxe }}
        haxe-args: myconfig.hxml # default is "tests.hxml"
        haxe-libs: | # haxe libraries to be installed:
          hscript               # install latest version from lib.haxe.org
          haxe-concurrent@4.1.0 # install fixed version from lib.haxe.org
          haxe-files@git:https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-files # install version from default git branch
          haxe-strings@git:https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-strings#v7.0.2 # install version from specific git tag
        output-dir: binaries # output folder for compilation artifacts relative to work-dir
        work-dir: module1    # working directory (CWD)

        # Haxe targets to test with, by default all are set to false:
        test-cpp:  true
        test-cs:   true
        test-eval: true
        test-flash: |
          enabled:       ${{ ! startsWith(matrix.os, 'macos') }} # FlashPlayer hangs on macOS
          allow-failure: true
          haxe-args:     tests-flash.hxml
          retries:       10
        test-hl: ${{ matrix.haxe != '3.4.7' }} # HashLink not compatible with Haxe 3.x
        test-java: |
          java-version: 11
        test-jvm: |
          java-version: 17
        test-lua: |
          lua-version: 5.1
        test-neko: true
        test-node: tests-node.hxml # run tests with a target specific hxml file
        test-php:  true
        test-python: |
          python-version: 3.9

        retries: 2 # number of additional retries in case a test run fails, default is 0

        # provide SSH access to the GitHub runner for manual debugging purposes
        debug-with-ssh: ${{ inputs.debug-with-ssh || 'never' }}
        debug-with-ssh-only-for-actor: ${{ inputs.debug-with-ssh-only-for-actor || false }}
        debug-with-ssh-only-jobs-matching: ${{ inputs.debug-with-ssh-only-jobs-matching }}

    # other steps ...

Install Haxe compiler and Haxe libraries using the setup-haxe action

The setup-haxe-action can be used to "only" install the Haxe compiler and Haxe libraries. Since Neko is required by haxelib it will be installed too.

name: My Haxe Build


    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      fail-fast: false
        - ubuntu-latest
        - macos-latest
        - windows-latest
        - nightly # latest development build
        - latest  # latest stable release
        - 4.2.5
        - 3.4.7

    - name: Git Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: "Install: Haxe ${{ matrix.haxe }} and Haxe Libraries"
      uses: vegardit/haxe-reusable-workflows/.github/actions/setup-haxe@v1
        haxe-version: ${{ matrix.haxe }}
        haxe-libs: | # haxe libraries to be installed:
          hscript               # install latest version from lib.haxe.org
          haxe-concurrent@4.1.0 # install fixed version from lib.haxe.org
          haxe-files@git:https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-files # install version from default git branch
          haxe-strings@git:https://github.com/vegardit/haxe-strings#v7.0.2 # install version from specific git tag

    # ... custom steps to compile/test Haxe code

Install Haxe compiler targets using the setup-haxe-targets action

The setup-haxe-targets-action can be used to "only" install Haxe compiler targets.

name: My Haxe Build


    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
      fail-fast: false
        - ubuntu-latest
        - macos-latest
        - windows-latest
        - nightly # latest development build
        - latest  # latest stable release
        - 4.2.5
        - 3.4.7

    - name: Git Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: "Install: Haxe compiler targets"
      id: setup-haxe-targets
      uses: vegardit/haxe-reusable-workflows/.github/actions/setup-haxe-targets@v1
        setup-cs:     true
        setup-flash:  true
        setup-hl:     true
        setup-java:   true  # or a Java version, e.g. 11, 17
        setup-lua:    true  # or a Lua version, e.g. "5.3.6"
        setup-node:   true  # or a Node.js version, see https://github.com/actions/setup-node/#supported-version-syntax
        setup-php:    true  # or a PHP version, e.g. "7.4"
        setup-python: true  # or a Python version, e.g. "3.11"

    - name: "Install: Haxe ${{ matrix.haxe }}"
      uses: vegardit/haxe-reusable-workflows/.github/actions/setup-haxe@v1
        haxe-version: ${{ matrix.haxe }}

    # ... custom steps to compile/test Haxe code

Testing locally with act

The composite actions and reusable workflows are compatible with ACT a command-line tool that allows you to run GitHub action workflows locally.

  1. Install docker
  2. Install ACT
  3. Navigate into the root of your project (where the .github folder is located)
  4. Run the command act
  5. On subsequent re-runs you can use act -r to reuse previous container which avoids reinstallation of Haxe compiler targets and reduces build time.


All files are released under the Apache License 2.0.

Individual files contain the following tag instead of the full license text:

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0