
Convert Laravel 7 route files to Laravel 8 style.

Primary LanguagePython

Laravel 7 to 8 routes converter

This script will convert your Laravel 7 compatible routes file to Laravel 8 style.

Yes it is Python. (Python 3)


Do not update your "$namespace" variable of your RoutesServiceProvider before you run this script on your routes. The script will read the root namespace of the RSP.

  1. Copy the script to your Laravel projects root directory.
  2. Run the script for each routes file. Example: python3 laravel-8-route-converter.py routes/web.php
  3. Control the new route files and copy or replace (with -r flag).
  4. Delete the script.
usage: laravel-8-route-converter.py [-h] [-r] routes_file

Convert Laravel 7 to Laravel 8 route file.

positional arguments:
  routes_file    File to convert.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -r, --replace  Replace the routes file.

Laravel 7 supported syntax

Combinations of all these examples are possible as well.

The script will detect duplicate Controllers (by name) and sets an alias for this controller.

Simple route syntax

Route::get('/foo/bars', 'FooBarsController@index');
Route::patch('/foo/bars/{bar}', 'FooBarsController@update');

Route resources and apiResources

Route::apiResource('/blas', 'BlaController');
Route::resource('/blas', 'BlaController');

Parameter on route

Route::apiResource('/foobars', 'FoobarController', ['parameters' => [
    'foobars' => 'bar',
    ->only(['index', 'store', 'destroy',]);

Multiline routes

    ->only(['index', 'store', 'destroy',]);

    ['parameters' => [
        'bars' => 'foo',

Nested Route groups

        'namespace' => 'Bla',
    ], function () {

        Route::patch('/foo/bars/{bar}', 'FooBarsController@update');

            'namespace' => 'Tuut',
        ], function () {

            Route::apiResource('/blas', 'BlaController');