
Next.js client for Aranżacje AI 🤖

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decoratly 🤖

How to deploy

1. Setup a new App

  1. Create a new Firebase app
  2. Enter a name of the app

2. Generate Firebase config

  1. Click on “Add firebase to your web app”
  2. Copy the config and save as an ENV variables

3. Setup Authentication

  1. Go to “Authentication / Sign-in method”
  2. Enable “Email/Password”
  3. Enable “Google Authentication”

4. Enable Firestore

  1. Go to “Firestore Database”
  2. Click on “Create database”
  3. Start in “production mode”
  4. Choose “eur3” as a location

5. Set Firestore rules

  1. choose firebase project by typing "firebase use 'project-id'"
  2. type “firebase deploy --only firestore:rules”
  3. Go to “Firestore Database/Rules”
  4. Check if deployed

6. Deploy missing Firestore indexes

  1. type “firebase deploy --only firestore:indexes”
  2. Go to “Firestore Database / Indexes”
  3. Check if deployed

7. Authorise domains for Google Authentication

  1. Go to “Authentication / Settings / Authorised domains”
  2. Add a new authorised domain

Environment variables

Firebase variables

These variables come from firebase config.


Sentry variables

Logging errors with Sentry.


Analytics variables

The app uses Cloudflare Web Analytics for analytics purposes. Analytics are active only if a beacon token is provided.



There's a special variable that determines if given instance works on test or prod environment. If it's prod environment the variable below should have true value, otherwise no value should be provided.