
A personal Neovim configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is veikman-nvim, a personal Neovim configuration.


I try to keep this minimal because I feel that Neovim’s default behaviour is both good to know and often good enough.

In the interest of minimalism, this configuration does not include or require a virtual environment or plugin manager. Instead, it relies on Neovim’s built-in plugin management.

veikman-nvim serves my needs programming mainly in Python and various Lisp dialects. It is designed specifically for use with sway (Wayland) and the Concertina keyboard. That keyboard uses the Colemak key layout by default, where hjkl is useless. Its arrow keys are readily accessible.


This entire Git repo should be cloned recursively to a path where Neovim will identify it as a collection of plugins.

git clone https://github.com/veikman/veikman-nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/veikman-nvim --recursive

You then need to activate various parts of the collection as shown below.


veikman-nvim comes with a Vimscript configuration file, base.vim. You’re supposed to include that file in your own configuration by editing your ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, adding a source statement like this:

if filereadable(expand("~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/veikman-nvim/config/base.vim"))
  source ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/veikman-nvim/config/base.vim

List of plugins

The following are included as submodules of this Git repository, sourced from the original creators of each.

For documentation including full and current installation instructions, see the source URL of each plugin in .gitmodules. Especially notable plugin-specific setup instructions are noted below, but will not be as well researched or maintained as the originals.

ale (ALE)

General linter framework. Configured in base.vim.


A general autocompleter that integrates spontaneously with ALE. Enabled in base.nvim.

Setup: In Neovim, run :UpdateRemotePlugins.


A Python-specific extension of deoplete.

Setup: This needs the jedi Python package.


<leader>u inserts a new v4 UUID. Good for data entry.


A color sheme. Enabled in base.vim.


An autoformatter for lots of Lisp dialects.

Setup: This needs Rust and clang (incl. libclang-dev), then you cargo build --release it in place.


veikman-nvim itself is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. The many plugins referenced within veikman-nvim are licensed separately.