
advanced dice roller in python

Primary LanguagePython


Advanced dice roller written entirely in python


Used for rolling dice, essentially as a random number generator, but way cooler.


|                                                                                                                  |
|roll    || arguments: roll <amt> <type>   || Rolls dice based on the included arguments   || aliases:             |
|end     || arguments: end                 || use: Ends the program                        || aliases:             |
|help    || arguments: help                || prints out the command list                  || aliases: ?, commands |
|read    || arguments: read                || use: prints the contents of the options file || aliases: print       |

Commands (in depth):


Used to roll the amount and type of custom dice that you want. How to use: roll <amt> <type> 
Example: roll 3 d20, roll 5 d17


Used to end the program instead of ^C. How to use: end


Used to open the commands index so that you can view possible commands and args. How to use: help , ? , commands


Used to print the contents of the options file (options.json). How to use: read , print 


debug: set this to true to view all debug info

printitterations: prints each iteration from each roll.