Debian Build System

Build a Debian/Ubuntu build system container image.

Run the image build

To build an image for Debian 11 Bullseye run


To build an image with a specific Debian or Ubuntu version

  • debian:buster Debian 10,
  • debian:bullseye Debian 11,
  • debian:bookworm Debian 12,
  • debian:testing,
  • debian:sid,
  • ubuntu:bionic Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,
  • ubuntu:focal Ubuntu 20.04 LTS,
  • ubuntu:jammy Ubuntu 22.04 LTS,
  • ubuntu:kinetic Ubuntu 22.10,
  • ubuntu:devel


./ ubuntu:focal

Run the container

Run the container interactively. For SSH access you might want to make your SSH keys accessible from inside the container. E.g.

alias podman = docker

# change to the project working directory

podman run --rm -it \
 --mount type=bind,source="`pwd`",target=/qsk \
 --mount type=bind,source="$HOME/.ssh",target="/root/.ssh",ro=true \


Do not run in your host system.