
Container image for Intrexx versions with a Supervisor service.


  • SSHD
  • Postfix
  • PostgreSQL
  • Intrexx Supervisor
  • Intrexx Solr Service

The installation does not contain any portal.

Base image

The base image is localhost/debian-systemd-${SUITE} where ${SUITE} is either BUSTER, or BULLSEYE, or BOOKWORM.

The base image is provided by the debian-systemd project.

Building the container

git clone intrexx-with-supervisor
cd intrexx-with-supervisor

Running the container

Run the container, e.g. with

podman run --detach --rm --cap-add audit_write,audit_control -p=10022:22 -p=10079-10084:10079-10084 localhost/debian-intrexx-10.0-bullseye

podman ps reports the exposed ports of the running container:

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                   COMMAND     CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                                                        NAMES
229f33f0d414  localhost/debian-intrexx-10.0-bullseye  /sbin/init  6 seconds ago  Up 5 seconds ago>22/tcp,>10079-10081/tcp  intrexx-10.0

Creating new Portals

Using the Intrexx Manager

  • Remotely connect with (portable) Intrexx Manager to the exposed Manager API port (e.g. 10079)
  • Create the portal with PostgreSQL database (user postgres, arbitrary password)
  • Choose the exposed port (e.g. 10081) for the portal's base URL
  • Connect the browser with the portal through the exposed port (base URL)

It is also possible to run Nginx as a frontend web server.

By script

Login via SSH (root password: admin), then execute the portal build script, e.g.

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -p 10022 root@localhost