heavily under construction
- immutability: all else being equal, immutability is the default.
- intrinsic data indexing. Content Identifiers are it.
- UΙ for creation of of immutable tokens
- token deployment
- token temporality (token play)
- storage of tokens on IPFS with data-intrinsic identifiers
- composite tokens
- token union operations
note: 'this' is the closed environment in which a particular actor is operating
- UI color slider
- UI pixel art creation through embedded https://github.com/veixq9/crybrush
- this.view(:succint)
- token temporality design
- this.deploy(token convexVM)
- this.explore(other-actor)
- this.actions.copy(token-belonging-to-actor-x)
some actors may purely be in the business of curating others' creations
an actor may be assigned its own environment inside a contract
- search engine
- permissionlessness
decentralizationconflict-free realtime replication
- ipfs browser extension https://github.com/ipfs/ipfs-companion
- Clojure
- Clojurescript
- Web3
- ConvexVM
- maybe OrbitDB