
Potential deadlocks checker

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Dl-Check is a dynamic tool for finding potential deadlocks in multithreaded programs. It constructs the lock-order graph (similar to wait-for graph, but all added edges not being removed, so it reflect lock acquisitions history) and finds cycles in it. Dl-Check uses various tecniques to get it fast and scalable and to avoid superfluous signals about potential deadlocks.

See this paper for details: [link will be here as soon as possible].

How To

Dl-Check is implemented as Java agent, so you should add -javaagent:dlcheck.jar option to analyze your application. To download the agent artifact use our Bintray repository: https://bintray.com/devexperts/Maven/dl-check.

Command Line

Here is an example of command line usage:

java -javaagent:dlcheck.jar -jar your_app.jar 

Do not rename dlcheck.jar!


Use the following code in your pom.xml to use Dl-Check for tests.

<!-- maven-dependency-plugin is used to 
     copy "dlcheck" agent into target directory -->
                  <!-- Do not use another name! -->
<!-- Configure maven-surefire-plugin -->
         <!-- Optional, fails at the point of potential deadlock is detected -->


Dl-Check can be configured via several system parameters (-Dparam.name=value).

  • dlcheck.output defines path of file to be used for reporting. By default prints a report to the standard output.
  • dlcheck.fail defines should Dl-Check throws an exception at the point of potential deadlock detection. Disabled by default.
  • dlcheck.log.level defines internal logging level. Possible values: DEBUG, INFO (default value), WARN, ERROR.
  • dlcheck.log.file defines path of file to be used for logging. By default logs are printed to the standard output.
  • dlcheck.cache.dir [experimental] defines directory to be used for transformed classes caching. This feature is unstable, use it on your own risk.
  • dlcheck.include defines the transformation scope using globs. For example, setting the value to package.to.transform.*,another.package.to.transform.* informs Dl-Check to transform classes from these packages only. By default all classes are included.
  • dlcheck.exclude defines the classes which should be excluded from transformation. The syntax is similar to dlcheck.include option.


Here is an example of Dl-Check output. For each potential deadlock the associated cycle, currently acquired locks and stack trace are available.

!!! Potential deadlock !!!
### Cycle in lock graph: ###
Lock Object@2acf57e3 was acquired at:
Lock Object@2812cbfa was acquired at:
### Current lock stack: ###
Lock Object@2acf57e3 was acquired at:
### Current stacktrace: ###
	sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)


If you need help, you have a question, or you need further details on how to use lin-check, you can refer to the following resources:

You can use the following e-mail to contact us directly: