
Electron, ActionScript, TypeScript, and JavaScript examples

Primary LanguageAngelScript


Example starter projects for creating a desktop application in Electron using Apache Royale, ActionScript 3, Typescript or JavaScript using Visual Studio Code.



  • JavaScript Electron - This project creates a desktop app in Electron using JavaScript for the page code and JavaScript for the main process. It is a working Electron example not using AS3.
  • AS3 Renderer, JavaScript, Electron - This project creates a desktop app in Electron using ActionScript 3 for the page code and JavaScript for the main process.
  • AS3 Renderer, TypeScript, Electron - This project creates a desktop app in Electron using ActionScript 3 for the page code and TypeScript for the main process.
  • AS3 Renderer, TypeScript, Royale, Electron - This project creates a desktop app with Electron using Apache Royale and ActionScript 3 for the page code and TypeScript for the main process.
  • AS3 Renderer, AS3 Main, Electron - This project creates a desktop app with Electron using ActionScript 3 for the page code and ActionScript 3 for the main process.

Eventually I would like to support a workflow that includes Web Export for the page layout and presentation, Apache Royale for forms and charts.

If you appreciate these starter projects please support my work at www.velara3.com.