
The Velas Sphere Node in Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Velas Sphere

Velas Sphere is an opensource initiative and ecosystem, allowing usual customers to perform resource-demanding tasks using storage, CPU, and GPU sharing concepts.


demo folder contains WIP demo on video/audio stream decoding

streaming folder contains streaming demo with file splitting and video streaming demultiplexing


This repository is an active WIP.

Component Status
Smart Contract DONE
Smart Contract Integration IN PROGRESS
Storage Protocol DONE
Storage Provider Implementation DONE
Storage Requester Implementation DONE
Task Execution Protocol DONE
Task Provider Implementation DONE
Task Requester Implementation DONE
Demo Plugin DONE

Total Progress: ~60%


Velas Sphere is a P2P network of nodes communicating between each other using gRPC. Each node can act as a requester and provider (for task execution and file storage), has some plugins (which are designed for supporting different kind of tasks), and provides a RESTful API for UI support. The node and storage data is stored in a LevelDB database. In order to allow plugins to be written in any general-purpose language, they are physically decoupled from the node service using gRPC again, and each plugin is basically a separate service.

Here is how the node architecture looks like:


Requesters pay providers for the shared resources using Ethereum Network and smart-contracts.

Building, Installing and Running a Velas Sphere node locally

Since the whole Velas Sphere node service is implemented using Golang exclusively, it is very simple to build and run. It also comes with a simple plugin for demo purposes.

$ cp config-local-example.json config.json
$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build .
$ ./velas-sphere plugin
$ ./velas-sphere node

Dockerized version uses multi-stage dockerfile for multiple lightweight images, so it looks like this:

$ cp config-docker-example.json config.json
$ mkdir db
$ docker build --target velas-sphere-plugin -t velas-sphere-plugin-local .
$ docker build --target velas-sphere-node -t velas-sphere-node-local .
$ docker-compose up -d

Task execution

You can request task execution via a simple RESTful API. The following example shows how to request task execution on a dockerized deployment using a single node:

curl -X POST -d \
    "target": "node:8081", 
    "id": "1",
    "input": "hello"

The response will be the following:


File storage

File storage can be requested like this:

curl -X POST -d \
    "target": "node:8083",
    "name": "my_awesome_file",
    "data": "TXkgYXdlc29tZSBsb25nIGxvbmcgbG9uZyBzdHJpbmch"

It gets encrypted and sent to the remote node (in our case it is node:8083). The encryption key is generated using secure crypto random and stored in the LevelDB of the requester along with some other metadata like verification and get-back tokens etc.

You can download the file using the following request:

curl -X GET -d \
    "target": "",
    "id": "/my_awesome_file"

Consider storing the file on several remote hosts to ensure redundancy.

It is not recommended to overwrite files.

Contribution Guideline

Basic contribution rules are:

  1. Each package serves a single signature. It can contain both instances or their constructors accepting a config
  2. All packages are located in the internal folder
  3. "internal/resources" is a special package since it contains the Protobuf definition and autogenerated files

How to write a plugin

Technically a plugin is a simple gRPC server responsible for handling task execution requests. At the moment, both the proto and node service support only a single plugin. You can implement Your own by generating the gRPC interfaces for a language of choice.

Example for Golang:

$ cd internal/resources
$ protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. *.proto

Example for Python:

$ pip install grpcio-tools
$ cd internal/resources
$ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. proto.proto

Further information can be found at the original source: https://grpc.io/docs/tutorials/

Local deployment

After You have implemented the server interface, You can start the listener at any port You like. The default is :8082, so make sure the config.json contains the correct host and port.

Dockerized deployment

In the case You use the dockerized version, here are a few more steps to deploy it:

  • Rebuild the docker images of the Velas Sphere Node (or provide a volume) to make it use the new config
  • Write a Dockerfile for Your server
  • Build and tag Your image (docker build -t myimage .)
  • Add the image to the docker-compose.yaml
  • Stop the old node and plugin services (docker-compose down)
  • Run Your own plugin and node (docker-compose up)

Verify Your plugin works by sending a proper task execution request via curl.