Welcome to the Velas Account React Native SDK! This SDK allows you to easily integrate Velas Account features into your React Native app.
To install the Velas Account React Native SDK, you will need to have a crypto modules. If you do not have a crypto modules working in React Native, follow the installation workflow in react-native-crypto.
Once you have a React Native project set up with crypto modules, you can install the Velas Account React Native SDK using npm or yarn:
# using npm
npm install --save @velas/react-native-account
# using yarn
yarn add @velas/react-native-account
To use the Velas Account React Native SDK in your app, you will need to import it.
import * as VAcount from '@velas/react-native-account'
const config = {
NODE_HOST: 'https://api.mainnet.velas.com',
BACKEND_HOST: 'https://api-sponsor.mainnet.velas.com',
RATES: 'https://evmexplorer.testnet.velas.com/ticker',
EVM_EXPLORER: 'https://evmexplorer.velas.com',
ACCOUNT_HISTORY: 'https://api-history.velas.com',
network: 'mainnet',
velas_rates: config.RATES,
node_host: config.NODE_HOST,
evm_explorer: config.EVM_EXPLORER,
account_host: config.BACKEND_HOST,
history_host: config.ACCOUNT_HISTORY,
account_contract: config.ACCOUNT_CONTRACT,
account_payer_address: config.BACKEND_ACCOUNT,
see https://github.com/velas/velas-account-mobile-demo
import * as VAcount from '@velas/react-native-account'
// ...
createAccount = async (network = 'mainnet') => {
const { error, data } = await VAcount.account.new.create(network)
if (error) return console.log(error)
console.log(`Velas Account created: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
Check the API documentation to learn more about the available methods.
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.