
Public testing of Velas products (alpha-, beta-, etc.-testing)

Velas Test-us

Welcome to public testing of Velas Wallet products

Check 'Issues' to see if any test-session is currently open

How to enter test session

  • In this repository, go to 'Issues", you will see 'test session #.. is open [date]', if the test session is closed, this means we are not currently reviewing new bug reports
  • Make sure an issue for new test session is open by one of 'test-us' repository contributers
  • To apply for test session and receive your reward, leave your VLX address here: test session google form
  • If you have tested web wallet previously, it is recommended to reset browser cache to exclude old bugs (command+shift+R / ctrl+shift+R)


  • Full testing of all features available through Web UI and mobile applications.
  • with focus on main functionality that is relevant for a regular user in the context of his daily activities
  • localization and translation mistakes are out of scope
  • minor UI inconsistencies that don't block or disturb functionality are out of scope



  • you file new bugs in English
  • to file a new bug:
    • create a new issue in a respective repository (web or mobile wallet)
    • click 'Get started' next to 'Bug report'
    • carefully follow the template that will appear in issue description field
    • don't use existing issues open by repository contributors as an example, these were created only to list existing bugs
  • you search through existing issues before filing every report, do not file duplicates
  • you do not edit your reports once they are reviewed (i.e. labeled 'bug'), for any refinement\addition etc. you add a comment to the issue
  • you can file amendments for existing issues also in the comments
  • you provide enough details to reproduce the bug, 80% should be clear from the summary + where possible add screenshots with highlighted areas
  • you get a reward in VLX for valuable new bugs (see 'rates' section)
  • we reserve the right to modify the rules during the campaign
  • you can ask a question in the comments under test-session issue in this repository
  • make sure to subscribe to test-session issue to receive updates with questions and answers under it


All rates presented in USD will be converted to VLX equivalent upon payment

  • Base rate by bug value
    • somewhat valuable (sv): 1,75
    • very valuable (vv): 7,5
    • exceptional value (xv): 17
  • Bonuses for
    • clear description and steps
    • accurate English
    • fast feedback and efficient close collaboration if needed
  • Penalties for
    • duplicates (dup)
    • out of scope (oos)
    • did not follow the instructions (dnfi)

Projects workflow

  • the review process can be seen in Web wallet and Mobile wallet projects
  • a project is open when a test-session is open
  • all open issues appear in 'Triage' column and stay there until reviewed
  • relevant bug-reports in the form of github issues are distributed to sv (somewhat valuable), vv (very valuable), or xv (exceptionally valuable) columns, then they are automatically marked with'bug' label, and pushed to Jira (Jira ticked number is added to issues as a comment)
  • bugs that are too minor or not relevant go to 'Not priority (<SV)' column and are not assigned a 'bug' label
  • issues that appear to be actual feature specifics and aren't a bug, or bugs that have already been fixed go to 'Closed' column and the respective issue is closed
  • columns dnfi (didn't follow the instructions), oos (out of scope), and dup (duplicate) contain respective rejected bug reports and get assigned a respective label
  • after the session is closed, the reviewal process is being finished (if hadn't been finished during the session), the projects are closed and archived