
Beta-test of build 0.13.12

Closed this issue · 76 comments


  • Full Testing of all features available through Web UI.
    • with a focus on main functionality that is relevant for a regular user in context of his daily activities


Official Docs
Telegram Bot to get VLX in TestNetwork twice per day

  • needed to test transactions in TestNetwork


  • Staking stats piecharts don't scale with the page when browser scaling changes (VLWA-134)
  • Scaling or browser window resize make "staking" and "block reward" in history into "..." (VLWA-144)
  • Language search through dropdown list doesn't respond (VLWA-133)
  • Sent\received mouse hover message not translated to languages other than English (VLWA-132)
  • On 'Select Pool' table shows '0' in 'Total Stake' field and 'NaN' in 'Vote Power' field if switch testnet\mainnet (VLWA-131)
  • Switching account while in 'Node' menu leads balance to infinite refresh (VLWA-129)
  • Automatic screen lock only works from "wallets" page (VLWA-128)
  • Index account setting doesn't validate inputs, incorrect inputs freeze the account and balance (VLWA-127)
  • Testnet toggle button is always "off" after page reload (VLWA-126)
  • Translation mistake, in Ukr wallets tab has 'Гаманьці', should be 'Гаманці' (VLWA-145)
  • In export private key: pin field invisible and inactive (VLWA-146)
  • In export private key: success button is 'cancel', should be 'ok' (VLWA-147)
  • In export private key: pressing 'cancel' throws 'wrong pin', should close with no message (VLWA-148)
  • In export private key: pin is shown on input, insecure (VLWA-149)
  • Not all coins can be addded to testnet
  • Search feature is in development, not testable
  • Use max works incorrectly
  • Too long decimals can be used in send\withdraw\move stake fields
  • Input fields accept unlimited amount of characters (both text and numeric)
  • Transactions history is only 20 internal and 20 external transactions


  • you file new bugs in English as comments below according to the BUG TEMPLATE (see last section of this description)
  • you do not file duplicates
  • you do not edit your reports once they are reviewed (i.e. hidden), for any refinement\addition etc. you file a new bug starting with 'amends [old comment link]'
  • you provide enough details to reproduce the bug
  • you get a reward for valuable new bugs (we define the value of bugs, some guides we will share later on this topic)
  • we reserve the right to modify the rules during the compaign
  • once we review we will hide and mark comments as 'resolved', 'outdated', or 'duplicate' with the following meaning:
    • resolved - accepted as useful bug
    • outdated - the issue is already known or not a bug
    • duplicate - duplicate of 'known issues' or other comment


**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. Pay attention to '...' (if applicable)

**Actual result**
A clear and concise description of what happens.

**Expected result**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
 - OS: [e.g. iOS]
 - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
 - Version [e.g. 22]

**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.


#1 (comment) @rbombom [outdated]
#1 (comment) @Elena7788 [duplicate]
#1 (comment) @KartinaMaslom [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved] +
#1 (comment) @igorvlasovkram [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @igorvlasovkram [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved] +
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @rbombom [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved] +
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved] +
#1 (comment) @rina-tenitska [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [duplicate]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved] +
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved] +
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [resolved]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [resolved]
#1 (comment) @metroprog [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @Vikilib [duplicate]
#1 (comment) @Vikilib [duplicate]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [resolved]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [out of scope]
#1 (comment) @rina-tenitska [duplicate]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [resolved]
#1 (comment) @rashevskyv [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [amendment]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [outdated]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [outdated]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [resolved]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [amendment]
#1 (comment) @PrivetQA [amendment]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [resolved]
#1 (comment) @pupsikpic [outdated]
#1 (comment) @pupsikpic [outdated]
#1 (comment) @pupsikpic [outdated]
#1 (comment) @pupsikpic [outdated]
#1 (comment) @rina-tenitska [outdated]
#1 (comment) @rina-tenitska [outdated]
#1 (comment) @IgDiElw [resolved]
#1 (comment) @Ranger5789 [resolved]
#1 (comment) @Ranger5789 [outdated]
#1 (comment) @Ranger5789 [outdated]
#1 (comment) @rina-tenitska [duplicate]
#1 (comment) @ rina-tenitska [outdated]
#1 (comment) @Ranger5789 [outdated]
#1 (comment) @pupsikpic [outdated]
#1 (comment) @Anthrax941 [outdated]
#1 (comment) @Vikilib [resolved]


Describe the bug
Account index can't be more 1000000000

To Reproduce

  1. Go to 'Setting'-'Switch account index'
  2. Input in field "Account index" 1000000000
  3. Click on button '>.'
  4. See error: Alert 999999999 is highest account index

Expected behavior
"Account index" should be 1000000001

Снимок экрана 2020-11-26 в 19 26 19


  • OS: Mas OS
  • Chrome
  • Version 87.0.4280.67
  • Build: 0.13.12


Describe the bug
The PIN code input field is not active when copying the private key in the settings

To Reproduce

  1. Go to 'Settings'
  2. Click the "copy" button in the "EXPORT PRIVATE KEY" line
  3. Hover the cursor over the field for entering the pin code in the "Confirmation" window that appears
  4. The PIN code input field is not active and the inscription "Please enter your PIN code" does not disappear

Expected behavior
The text is entered in the input field "Please enter the pin-code" and this inscription disappears

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser Chrome
  • Version 87.0.4280.66

Additional context
The problem is repeated in English and Ukrainian localization


Describe the bug
Amendment for VLWA-129 (endless balance refreshing)

To Reproduce

  1. Go to 'Staking' > 'Node'
  2. Refresh balance
  3. Endless refreshing of the balance

Expected behavior
Balance amount showing up


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser Opera
  • Version 72.0.3815.320
  • Browser Chrome
  • Version 87.0.4280.66

The [ACCOUNT ...] button is displayed in header after changing on "ACCOUNT 11"


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [ACCOUNT] button
  2. Click the [ACCOUNT 11] button in drop-down list
  3. Pay attention to the name of "ACCOUNT" button

Actual result: The [ACCOUNT ...] button is displayed in header after changing on "ACCOUNT 11"
Expected result: The [ACCOUNT 11] button is displayed in header after changing on "ACCOUNT 11"



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The [EPOCH] button is not displayed in header menu


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Pay attention to the header menu

Actual result: The [EPOCH] button is not displayed in header menu
Expected result: The [EPOCH] button is displayed in header menu



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Number of "USDT Omni" is ".." in wallets page after refreshing page


  • Random


  1. User is loggined
  2. All wallets of tokens is added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to [Wallets] page
  2. Click the [Refresh] icon 5-10 times
  3. Pay attention to the USDT Omni token

Actual result: Number of "USDT Omni" is ".." in wallets page after refreshing page
Expected result: Number of "USDT Omni" is "0.00" in wallets page after refreshing page




  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Names of accounts in drop down list do not match of names in header menu after changing language


  1. User is loggined
  2. English language is selected

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Change name of Account on "@#$%"
  2. Click the [Settings] button
  3. Change language on "Русcкий"
  4. Click the "Кошельки" button
  5. Click on drop down list with account names
  6. Pay attention to the names of account in drop down list

Actual result: Names of accounts in drop down list do not match of names in header menu after changing language
Expected result: Names of accounts in drop down list do match of names in header menu after changing language

Additional Information:
Have the same result after changing language on Chinese, Ukrainian



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Describe the bug:
Inadequate translation of page section titles


  1. Picked language is 'Русский'

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Стейкинг'
  2. Go to 'Cтатистика'
  3. See error: the sections' names are 'Бассейн кола размеры' and 'Население бассейна'

Expected behavior:
The sections' nаmes should be 'Размеры ставки пула' and 'Население пула'



  • Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 64-bit
  • Chrome 87.0.4280.66
  • 0.13.12

The message is displayed on english language in "Отправить" page after changing language on "Русский"


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Settings] button
  2. Change language on "Руский"
  3. Click the [Стейкинг] button
  4. Click the [Node] button
  5. Click the [ПРИМЕНЯТЬ] button
  6. Pay attention to the message

Actual result: The message is displayed on english language in "Отправить" page after changing language on "Русский"
Expected result: The message is translated in the selected language



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Moved to the [Wallets] menu after canceling apply of "BECOME STAKER" page


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Node] button
  3. Click the [APPLY] button
  4. Click the [CANCEL] button

Actual result: Moved to the [Wallets] menu after canceling apply of "BECOME STAKER" page
Expected result: The Staking==>Node page is opened after canceling apply of "BECOME STAKER" page


  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Translation mistake on page Staking Node: Apply button: ПРИМЕНЯТЬ but should be ПРИМЕНИТЬ


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Settings] button
  2. Change language on "Руский"
  3. Click the [Стейкинг] button
  4. Click the [Node] button
  5. Pay attention to the [ПРИМЕНЯТЬ] button

Actual result: The [ПРИМЕНЯТЬ] button is displayed in Staking Node page after changing language on "Русский"
Expected result: The [ПРИМЕНИТЬ] button is displayed in Staking Node page after changing language on "Русский"



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Describe the bug:
Inadequate translation of item in dropdown list 'Эпоха'


  1. Picked language is 'Русский'

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Стейкинг'
  2. Go to 'Cтатистика'
  3. Click 'Эпоха'
  4. See error: one of items has inadequate descripton 'Изменение in 4 hours'

Expected behavior:
The item's description should be 'Изменение через 4 часа'



  • Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 64-bit
  • Chrome 87.0.4280.66
  • 0.13.12

The text "Подтверждено" is not fully displayed in status field after changing language on russian and reducing browser size


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Settings] button
  2. Change language on "Руский"
  3. Click the [Кошельки] button
  4. Click the "Velas" wallet
  5. Reduce browser size
  6. Pay attention to the "Статус" field

Actual result: The text "Подтверждено" is not fully displayed in status field after changing language on russian and reducing browser size
Expected result: The text "Подтверждено" is displayed according to the layout in status field after changing language on russian and reducing browser size



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The number is not fully displayed in "Amount" field after reducing browser size


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Reduce browser size
  4. Pay attention to the "Amount" field

Actual result: The number is not fully displayed in "Amount" field after reducing browser size
Expected result: The number is displayed according to the layout in "Amount" field after reducing browser size



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Number and token's logo is superimposed on each other in "Amount" input field after entering long data


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the valid data into "to" input field
  5. Enter data (500.00000123456789123456789123456) into "Amount" input field
  6. Pay attention to the "Amount" input field

Actual result: Number and token's logo is superimposed on each other in "Amount" input field after entering long data
Expected result: The entered data is displayed according to the layout in "Amount" input field after entering long data



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The message "Enter valid data" is not displayed in "Amount" input field after entering invalid data


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the valid data into "to" input field
  5. Enter invalid data (0.0000000388) into "Amount" input field
  6. Pay attention to the "Amount" input field

Actual result: The message "Enter valid data" is not displayed in "Amount" input field after entering invalid data
Expected result: The message "Enter valid data" is displayed in "Amount" input field after entering invalid data

Additional information:
need to add a validation for the length of digits after splitting integer



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The Number of tokens sent is "0.0000" in "Confirmation" message after sending 0.000000038 tokens


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the valid data into "to" input field
  5. Enter invalid data (0.000000038) into "Amount" input field
  6. Click the [Send] button
  7. Pay attention to the "Confirmation" message

Actual result: The Number of tokens sent is "0.0000" in "Confirmation" message after sending 0.000000038 tokens
Expected result: The Number of tokens sent is "0.000000038" in "Confirmation" message after sending 0.000000038 tokens



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The Number of tokens sent is "0.0000" in "Amount" field after sending 0.000000038 tokens


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the valid data into "to" input field
  5. Enter invalid data (0.000000038) into "Amount" input field
  6. Click the [Send] button
  7. Click the [CONFIRM] button
  8. Pay attention to the "Amount" field on transaction

Actual result: The Number of tokens sent is "0.0000" in "Amount" field after sending 0.000000038 tokens
Expected result: The Number of tokens sent is "0.0000" in "Amount" field after sending 0.000000038 tokens



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The Number of "Velas" tokens is "0.0000" in "Wallet" page after receiving 0.000000038 tokens


  1. User is loggined
  2. 0.000000038 "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Pay attention to the number of "Velas" tokens

Actual result: The Number of "Velas" tokens is "0.0000" in "Wallet" page after receiving 0.000000038 tokens
Expected result: The Number of "Velas" tokens is "0.000000038" in "Wallet" page after receiving 0.000000038 tokens




  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The Number of "Velas" tokens Fee is "0.0014" in "Wallet" page after openning "SEND" page


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the valid data into "to" input field
  5. Pay attention to the "Transaction Fee" screen

Actual result: The Number of "Velas" tokens Fee is "0.0014" in "Wallet" page after openning "SEND" page
Expected result: The Number of "Velas" tokens Fee is "0.00000002" in "Wallet" page after openning "SEND" page

Aditional information:
After changing radio button on "Custom" and after on "Auto", or enter number in "Amount" input field - the number changing on "0.00000002"



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The transactions is displayed after clicking on "APPLY" button in filter with invalid data


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [Filters] icon
  4. Enter the invalid data into input fields
  5. Click the [Apply] button
  6. Pay attention to the "Filter" screen

Actual result: The transactions is displayed after clicking on "APPLY" button in filter with invalid data
Expected result: The transactions are not found after clicking on "APPLY" button in filter with invalid data

Aditional information:
The [APPLY] button is not worked



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The transaction is sent after sending to the wallet from which the sending is done


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Copy the data from "From" field
  5. Paste the data into "To" field
  6. Enter valid data into "Amount" input field
  7. Click the [SEND] button
  8. Click the [CONFIRM] button

Actual result: The transaction is sent after sending to the wallet from which the sending is done
Expected result: The error message "Can't be sent to the same wallet from which they are sent" after sending to the wallet from which the sending is done



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The "Litecoin" wallet is not displayed in filter page after entering "Litecoin" in input field


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Litecoin" is hiden

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the [Add wallets] icon
  3. Click the "Search" input field
  4. Enter "Litecoin"
  5. Pay attention to the filter result

Actual result: The "Litecoin" wallet is not displayed in filter page after entering "Litecoin" in input field
Expected result: The "Litecoin" wallet is displayed in filter page after entering "Litecoin" in input field

Aditional information:
If enter "l" Litecoin will be found, if enter "L" will be not found, if "li" also not found



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The message "Transaction has been sent" is shown after deleting transaction


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" is added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the [SEND] button
  3. Enter valid data in "To" input field
  4. Enter valid data in "Amount" input field
  5. Click the [SEND] button
  6. CLick the [Confirm] button
  7. Click the [Details] icon
  8. Click the [Delete] button
  9. Pay attention to the transaction result

Actual result: The message "Transaction has been sent" is shown after deleting transaction
Expected result: The message "Transaction has been deleted" is shown after deleting transaction

Aditional information:
transaction was deleted from transaction list, but send is successful ended with status "Сonfirmed"
link on transaction



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Transaction status is "Confirmed", tokens are sent in "Transactions" list after deleting transaction


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" is added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the [SEND] button
  3. Enter valid data in "To" input field
  4. Enter valid data in "Amount" input field
  5. Click the [SEND] button
  6. CLick the [Confirm] button
  7. Click the [Details] icon
  8. Click the [Delete] button
  9. Click the [HOME] button
  10. Pay attention to the transaction list

Actual result: Transaction status is "Confirmed", tokens are sent in "Transactions" list after deleting transaction
Expected result: Transaction status is "Deleted", tokens aren't sent in "Transactions" list after deleting transaction



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Describe the bug
In Velas Wallet possible successful transaction with amount=0.

To Reproduce

  1. Go to 'Wallet'-'Velas'

  2. Input in field "To" any valid Velas wallet address

  3. Click on the button 'Send.'

  4. Click on the button 'Confirm'.
    See error: transaction successful

    Expected behavior
    Transaction failed

Снимок экрана 2020-11-27 в 01 17 59
Снимок экрана 2020-11-27 в 01 18 38
Снимок экрана 2020-11-27 в 01 19 40


  • OS: Mas OS
  • Chrome
  • Version 87.0.4280.67
  • Build: 0.13.12

Additional context
It is possible to simultaneously create a huge number of "zero" transactions for destructive purposes (Slow down or stop work Velas wallet)

The "Confirmation" screen is shown after clicking the [SEND] button with entering invalid data in "Amount" field


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" is added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the [SEND] button
  3. Enter valid data in "To" input field
  4. Quickly enter invalid data ($999999) in "Amount" input field
  5. Quickly Click the [SEND] button

Actual result: The "Confirmation" screen is shown after clicking the [SEND] button with entering invalid data in "Amount" field
Expected result: The [SEND] button is not active after entering invalid data in "Amount" field

Additional information:
The transaction with 0 tokens is performed, 0 VLX sent



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The "Confirmation" screen is shown with message "Send 0.00 vlx to" after changing account and clicking the [SEND] button with entering valid data ($13) in "Amount" field


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" is added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the [SEND] button
  3. Enter valid data in "To" input field
  4. Enter valid data ($13) in "Amount" input field
  5. Click the [Change account] icon
  6. Click on another account
  7. Quickly click on [SEND] button

Actual result: The "Confirmation" screen is shown with message "Send 0.00 vlx to" after changing account and clicking the [SEND] button with entering valid data ($13) in "Amount" field
Expected result: The "Send" screen is refreshed after changing account

Additional information:
After clicking on [Confirm] button in "Confirmation" screen - transaction has been sent, wallet adress is not displayed, tokens are sent.



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

** The "EPOCH" drop down screen is not closed after clicking on any not link place**


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Search] button
  2. Click the [EPOCH] button
  3. Click on any not link place

Actual result: The "EPOCH" drop down screen is not closed after clicking on any not link place
Expected result: The "EPOCH" drop down screen is closed after clicking on any not link place

Additional information:
Closing only if hover over "EPOCH" drop down screen and then hover over out of bounds "EPOCH" drop down screen


  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The "Confirmation" message is displayed after entering invalid data (5000) in "Stake" input field and ckicking on [APPLY] button

Priority: CRITICAL


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Click on the first [pool] button
  4. Enter the invalid data (5000) in "Stake" input field
  5. Click the [APPLY] button

Actual result: The "Confirmation" message is displayed after entering invalid data (5000) in "Stake" input field and ckicking on [APPLY] button
Expected result: The message "minimum 10000 tokens" is dysplayed, [APPLY] button is not active after entering invalid data (5000) in "Stake" input field

Additional information:
After clicking on [CONFIRM] button tokens are sent, but in "DELEGATE" page "My Stake" is 0.00, 5000 tokens withdrawn but not credited



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

User is logged out after refreshing

Given: user is signed in to

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ''
  2. Log in
  3. Click to refresh button or press F5
  4. See error

Expected behavior
Page is refreshing, user is logged in


  • OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
  • Browser: Google Chwome
  • Version: 86.0.4240.198

The "DELEGATE" list from "Testnet" is displayed after opening "Delegate" page in "Mainnet"


  1. User is loggined
  2. Test network is "Testnet"

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Click on the [Refresh] icon
  4. Click the [Settings] button
  5. Click the "TEST METWORK" toggle
  6. Click the [Staking] button
  7. Click the [Delegete] button
  8. Pay attention to the "DELEGATE" list

Actual result: The "DELEGATE" list from "Testnet" is displayed after opening "Delegate" page in "Mainnet"
Expected result: The "DELEGATE" list from "Mainnet" is displayed after opening "Delegate" page in "Mainnet"

Additional information:
Have the same bug if changing from "Mainnet" on "Testnet". After clicking on [Refresh] icon - shown correctly




  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Testnet toggle button is always "off" after change account(1), and does not switch when pressed "Testnet"(2)


-log in
-Go to "Setting"
-change toggle button "test network" to position ("on")

To Reproduce:

  1. go to wallets
    change account
  2. a button "Testnet" will appear on the menu on the left. Click on it

Actual result:

  1. toggle button is always "off"
  2. toggle button "test network" remain in position "on", but test mode is off

Expected behavior:

  1. toggle button should be in position "on"
  2. toggle button should change position to "off" after clicking "Testnet"


windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

The [MIN] and [MAX] buttons are not changed "Stake More" input field after clicking on them


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added
  3. Has stake of pool

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Select the pool where you are the staker
  4. Click on [MIN] and [MAX] buttons
  5. Pay attention to the "Stake More" input field

Actual result: The [MIN] and [MAX] buttons are not changed "Stake More" input field after clicking on them
Expected result: The [MIN] and [MAX] buttons are changed "Stake More" input field after clicking on them



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The alert message "max 12000000000000000000" is shown after clicking on [WITHDRAW] button

Reproducibility: Sometimes


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added
  3. Has stake of pool (10012.123456789)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Select the pool where you are the staker
  4. Click the [WITHDRAW] button

Actual result: The alert message "max 12000000000000000000" is shown after clicking on [WITHDRAW] button
Expected result: The withdraw page is opened after clicking on [WITHDRAW] button

Additional information:
Its can be problem with fractional number (.123456789) in staking account. Withdraw with any valid data has the same alert message



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The image is displayed after opening "DELEGATE" page


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Pay attention to the footer

Actual result: The image is displayed after opening "DELEGATE" page
Expected result: The page is displayed according to the layout after opening "DELEGATE" page



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The "Confirmation" message is shown in "DELEGATE" stake pool settings after clicking on [APPLY] button


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added
  3. Has stake of pool

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Select the pool where you are the staker
  4. Enter the valid data in "Move Amount" input field
  5. Leave the "New Pool Adress" blank
  6. Click the [APPLY] button

Actual result: The "Confirmation" message is shown in "DELEGATE" stake pool settings after clicking on [APPLY] button
Expected result: The message "Enter correct pool adress" is dysplayed in "DELEGATE" stake pool settings after clicking on [APPLY] button



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The alert "stake must be lower or equal to max allowed 0" is shown in "DELEGATE" stake pool settings after clicking on [APPLY] button


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added
  3. Has stake of pool

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Select the pool where you are the staker
  4. Enter the valid data in "Move Amount" input field
  5. Enter the valid data in "New Pool Adress" input field
  6. Click the [APPLY] button

Actual result: The alert "stake must be lower or equal to max allowed 0" is shown in "DELEGATE" stake pool settings after clicking on [APPLY] button
Expected result: The confirmation message is dysplayed in "DELEGATE" stake pool settings after clicking on [APPLY] button

Additional information:
Worked only with "0" in "Move Amount" input field



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

button "return" in browser, always goes to the previous used site


-log in

To Reproduce:

-go to "Settings"
-click return in browser(<-)

Actual result:

the previous used site opens

Expected behavior:

the previously used window opens


windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

The "EXIT" functional from stake pool settings is displayed in "DELEGATE" page after opening "DELEGATE" page


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added
  3. Has stake of pool

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegete] button
  3. Select the pool where you are the staker
  4. Click the [Staking] button
  5. Click the [Delegete] button

Actual result: The "EXIT" functional from stake pool settings is displayed in "DELEGATE" page after opening "DELEGATE" page
Expected result: The page is displayed according to the layout after opening "DELEGATE" page



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

when trying to enter the transfer amount without specifying the recipient nothing can be entered and there is no error message


-log in

To Reproduce:

-Click [Sand]
-Select input field [Amount]

Actual result:

when entering numbers, nothing happens

Expected behavior:

error "Address not found"


windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

language is always English after full page refresh

To Reproduce:

  1. log in
  2. choose a language that is not English
  3. refresh the page and confirm the password

Actual result:

selected language not saved and return to "English"

Expected behavior:

The selected language is saved


  • windows 10 х64
  • chrome
  • Version 87.0.4280.66

Translation mistake in Rus localization in restore wallet functionality

Steps to reproduce:

  1. click Wallet from main page
  2. choose language “rus”
  3. click “Восстановить”
  4. click “12 слов” or “24 слова“

Actual result: “будет создать другой”
Expected result: “будет создавать другой”


  • OS: Windows 8.1 x32
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 86.0.4240.183
  • Build: 0.13.12

Translation mistake in Ukr localization in restore wallet functionality

Steps to reproduce:

  1. click Wallet from main page
  2. choose language “ukr”
  3. click “Вiдновити”
  4. click “12 слiв” or “24 слова“

Actual result: “буде створити iнший”
Expected result: “буде створюватись iнший”


  • OS: Windows 8.1 x32
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 86.0.4240.183
  • Build: 0.13.12

Translation not full in Rus localization in restore wallet functionality

Steps to reproduce:

  1. click Wallet from main page
  2. choose language “rus”
  3. click “Восстановить”

Actual result: “12 слов” and “24 слова“ and "custom"
Expected result: “12 слов” and “24 слова“ and "произвольно"


  • OS: Windows 8.1 x32
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 86.0.4240.183
  • Build: 0.13.12

Translation not full in Ukr localization in restore wallet functionality

Steps to reproduce:

  1. click Wallet from main page
  2. choose language “ukr”
  3. click “Вiдновити”

Actual result: “12 слiв” and “24 слова“ and "custom"
Expected result: “12 слiв” and “24 слова“ and "довiльно"


  • OS: Windows 8.1 x32
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 86.0.4240.183
  • Build: 0.13.12

Translation is missing in "SEND" form

User is loggined

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose any other language except English
  3. Return to main page
  4. Click the "Send" button
  5. See the error

Actual result
Texts "Transaction Fee" and "Custom" aren't translated

Expected behavior
All texts are translated to chosen language

Velas Wallet - Google Chrome 2020-11-27 20 16 40

OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
Browser: Google Chwome
Version: 86.0.4240.198

Additional context
The problem is occured in all languages other than English

Translation is missing in "Settings" menu

User is loggined

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Choose "Українська" language
  3. See the error

Actual result
Text "ACCOUNT INDEX" isn't translated

Expected behavior
All texts are translated to chosen language

Velas Wallet - Google Chrome 2020-11-27 20 11 31

OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
Browser: Google Chwome
Version: 86.0.4240.198

when the window is minimized, there is no way to scroll down the main menu

To Reproduce:

log in
reduce browser window in height
scroll down main menu

Actual result:

impossible to scrolling main menu, no access to options below the browser window

Expected behavior:

main menu scrolls down


skroll down


windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

Search does not work correctly in the wallets section


User is loggined

To Reproduce

  1. Click on "add wallet"
  2. Enter the name of the wallet in the search field

Actual result:

Uppercase search is not performed.
Doesn't find a wallet if you enter its full name
Doesn't search for two phrases

Expected behavior:

Upper case search
Displaying a wallet when entering its full name
Search by two phrases



OS: Windows 10 x64

  • Browsers: Chrome:
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Version: 83.0
  • Build: 0.13.12

Edit account name field collapses when all text wiped

To Reproduce:

  1. Click on edit account name button
  2. Wipe all text

Actual result:
Field collapses

Expected behavior:
Field waiting for input

OS: Ubuntu 20.10
Browser: Chrome:
Version: 87.0.4280.66

Uninformative error instead of normal error message on 0 transaction fee attempt in Bitcoin wallet

To Reproduce:

  1. Click on send button on Bitcoin wallet
  2. Switch to Custom transaction fee
  3. Change transaction fee to 0
  4. Click send
  5. Confirm transaction

Actual result:
Error message: SyntaxError: Unexpected token : in JSON at position 2: 66: min relay fee not met

Expected behavior:
Error message: Minimal transaction fee is ...

Screenshot from 2020-11-28 10-19-35

OS: Ubuntu 20.10
Browser: Chrome:
Version: 87.0.4280.66

Trying to send bitcoin transaction to illegitimate adress shows no error message and softlocks transaction on all wallets.

Wallet has enough funds for transaction fee

To Reproduce

  1. Switch to testnet
  2. Click on Send for any bitcoin wallet
  3. Enter illegitimate wallet address as receiver
  4. Click send

Actual result
Nothing happens. No error message shown. If user opens another transaction Send button changed to '...' and don't work.

Expected behavior
Error message: 'Given address is not valid Bitcoin address'

Screenshot from 2020-11-28 11-39-25

OS: Ubuntu 20.10
Browser: Chrome:
Version: 87.0.4280.66

Additional context
Switching to Mainnet shows '...' button instead of Send too. Page reload fixes the bug.

Translation is missing in "Settings" menu

User is loggined

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Go to Settings
Choose "한국어" language
See the error
Actual result
Texts "THEMES" and "Copy" aren't translated

Expected behavior
All texts are translated to chosen language

Velas Wallet - Google Chrome 2020-11-28 13 54 40

OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
Browser: Google Chwome
Version: 86.0.4240.198

Page is redirected to 'Settings' after clicking the 'Select' button on 'Delegate' page if Test network is on

User is loggined
Test network is on

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to 'Delegate' page
  2. Click on '>' button in the 'Select pool' column
  3. Click on 'Select' button
  4. See error

Actual result
Page is redirected to 'Settings' after clicking the 'Select' button on 'Delegate' page.

Expected behavior
Page is redirected to pool list.


OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
Browser: Google Chwome
Version: 86.0.4240.198

Additional context
The same problem is ocurred if, after completing all steps, turn off Test network and repeat them in Mainnet

The part of address is displayed outside of visible area in 'Transactions' table

User is loggined

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Click on 'Send' button
  2. Enter valid data into 'To' and 'Amount' fields
  3. Click on 'Send' button
  4. Click on 'Confirm' button
  5. See error

Actual result
The part of address is displayed outside of visible area in 'Transactions' table.

Expected behavior
All content of table is visible

Velas Wallet - Google Chrome 2020-11-28 14 30 21

OS: Windows 10 Pro x64
Browser: Google Chwome
Version: 86.0.4240.198

Uniformative message on 0 transaction fee attempt in Ethereum wallet

To Reproduce

  1. Click on send button on Ethereum wallet
  2. Switch to Custom transaction fee
  3. Change transaction fee to 0
  4. Click send
  5. Confirm transaction

Actual result
Error message:' cannot get signed tx - err: intrinsic gas to low'

Expected behavior
Error message: 'Minimal transaction fee is ...'

Screenshot from 2020-11-29 14-16-48

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS]
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]

Mistake (typo) on a title page of Recovery Sheet

user is not registered

Steps to reproduce:

  1. from main page click "English"
  2. click "CREATE"
  3. enter any password, click "SETUP"
  4. click "PRINT"
  5. take a look at 2nd line on title page of recovery-sheet-24.pdf

Actual result: "Confidiential document"

Expected result: "Confidential document"

Additional information:
reproduces at any available language


  • OS: Windows 7 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 86.0.4240.198

Renamed account dont save after editing and clear cache browser

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log in
  2. Click on edit account name button
  3. Rename accounts
  4. Close tab in browser
  5. Clear browser cache
  6. Log in again

Actual result: name of accounts - "Account1","Account2","Account3"
Expected result: renamed accounts


OS: Windows 8.1 x32
Browser: Chrome
Version: 86.0.4240.183
Build: 0.13.12

Has no option for deleting currency on the wallet or wrong button icon


Edit button is means that our current list can be editable, but it is not. All we can do is adding new currency, but there is no way to remove currency that we already have, from this menu

Actual result

  1. Press "edit" button for editing currency on the wallet
  2. Opens menu for adding new currencies


Expected behavior
Expects that user can edit currencies with edit button (can add and remove), but in fact all what user can do is add new currencies. Need to change "edit" button to "add" button, or add way to remove currency from edit menu

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Win10
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Version: 83.0

The Bitcoin transactions are displayed in page of transactions after sending Velas tokens


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Bitcoin" wallet
  3. Click the [Staking] button
  4. Click the [Delegate] button
  5. Click on any "Select pool" where you are not a staker
  6. Enter valid data in "Stake" input field
  7. Click the [APPLY] button
  8. Click the [CONFIRM] button
  9. Pay attention to the page of transactions

Actual result: The Bitcoin transactions are displayed in page of transactions after sending Velas tokens
Expected result: The Velas transactions are displayed in page of transactions after sending Velas tokens


Additional information:
Need make any transaction over Velas with chosen any wallets except Velas in "Wallets" page.


  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The wallets from "Mainnet" is displayed in "Wallets" page after changing network to "Testnet"


  1. User is loggined
  2. Network is Mainnet

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Litecoin" wallet
  3. Click the [Settings] button
  4. Click the [Delegate] button
  5. Change network on "Testnet"
  6. Click the [Wallets] button
  7. Pay attention to the wallets

Actual result: The wallets from "Mainnet" is displayed in "Wallets" page after changing network to "Testnet"
Expected result: The wallets from "Testnet" is displayed in "Wallets" page after changing network to "Testnet"


Additional information:
Reproduced with Litecoin, USDT Omni, Ethereum. Сan interact with wallets in the same way as on the main network(send transaction, hide wallets).


  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

Amends #1 (comment)

Bug description: The same bug with other coins fee

The message "Given address is not valid Bitcoin address" is not displayed in "SEND" page after entering invalid data(123) in "To" field


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Bitcoin" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the invalid data(123) in "To" input field
  5. Pay attention to the error message

Actual result: The message "Given address is not valid Bitcoin address" is not displayed in "SEND" page after entering invalid data(123) in "To" field
Expected result: The message "Given address is not valid Bitcoin address" is displayed in "SEND" page after entering invalid data(123) in "To" field


Additional information:
The same bug with all wallets except Velas


  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The message "Given address is not valid Velas address" is displayed in "SEND" page after opening other wallets


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the invalid data(123) in "To" input field
  5. Click the [CANCEL] button
  6. Click on any wallet except "Velas"
  7. Pay attention to the error message

Actual result: The message "Given address is not valid Velas address" is displayed in "SEND" page after opening other wallets
Expected result: The message "Given address is not valid Velas address" is not displayed in "SEND" page after opening other wallets


Additional information:
Last error message about invalid adress displayed in all sending page


  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The "Total" field number is "12"+"fee from first coin" in "SEND" page after opening new "SEND" page


  1. User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click on any wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the valid data in "To" input field
  5. Enter the valid data(12) in "Amount" input field
  6. Click the [CANCEL] button
  7. Click on any wallet
  8. Click the [SEND] button
  9. Pay attention to the "Total" field

Actual result: The "Total" field number is "12"+"fee from first coin" in "SEND" page after opening new "SEND" page
Expected result: The "Total" field number is "0"+"fee from current coin" in "SEND" page after opening new "SEND" page


Additional information:
After entering valid data in "Amount" input field, "Total" field changing his number to this valid data on all "Total" fields on site


  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

The "Total" field number is "10023"+"fee from current coin" in "SEND" page after opening new "SEND" page


  1. User is loggined
  2. "Velas" tokens are added

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Staking] button
  2. Click the [Delegate] button
  3. Click the any pool
  4. Enter the valid data(10023) in "Stake" input field
  5. Click the [APPLY] button
  6. Click the [CANCEL] button
  7. Click the [CANCEL] button
  8. Click the any wallet
  9. Click the [SEND] button
  10. Pay attention to the "Total" field

Actual result: The "Total" field number is "10023"+"fee from current coin" in "SEND" page after opening new "SEND" page
Expected result: The "Total" field number is "0"+"fee from current coin" in "SEND" page after opening new "SEND" page



  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.66
  • Build: 0.13.12

if in the menu [Send] in the field to [Amount] to indicate the wrong character, the field is reset to 0

To Reproduce:

1.log in
2.Go to [Sand]
3.Click [Amount]
4.Еnter numbers
5.Enter an invalid character or letter

Actual result:

field resets to 0

Expected behavior:

characters and letters are not entered


windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

The value of the amount in euros in the new payment window is displayed from the previous payment value.

User is loggined.

To Reproduce

  1. Click the [Wallets] button.
  2. Click the [SEND] button.
  3. Create and send a new payment.
  4. Click the [Wallets] button.
  5. Click the [SEND] button.
  6. Click the [eur] button.

Actual result
Value field "Amount-eur" is equal to the value in the previous payment.

Expected result
Value field "Amount-eur" must be "0"


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.88

Refreshing the page in the main window deactivates the test mode.

User is loggined.
Test mode set.

To Reproduce
Refresh the page.
Enter password to login.

Actual result
The user is in main mode.

Expected result
The user must be in test mode.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 87.0.4280.88

if in the menu [Select Pool] in the input field [New Poll Address] impossible to hover over the on-screen keyboard.
Сlicking on the icon does not save the on-screen keyboard in open mode. The on-screen keyboard does not fit on the screen


1.User is loggined
2."Velas" tokens are added
3.Has stake of pool

To Reproduce:

1.Go to [Staking]
2.Go to [Delegate]
3.Go to [Select Pool]
4.Scroll dawn
5.Place the cursor the icon on-screen keyboard in field field [New pool Address]
6.Click it
7.move cursor

Actual result:

the on-screen keyboard is hidden

Expected behavior:

the on-screen keyboard is saved




windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

broken link:

To Reproduce:

1.Log in
2.Click to [wallet number]
3.Click to link [Testnet] or [Velas] -> [Testnet]

Actual result:

Error occured while trying to proxy to:
or error 503

Expected behavior:

link opens


Номер кошелька


windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

The screen keybord does not contain additional characters and Cyrilic characters allowed in the password

To Reproduce:

1.Open site

Actual result:

The screen keybord does not contain additional characters and Cyrilic characters

Expected behavior:

The screen keybord contain additional characters and Cyrilic characters




windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

when sending with custom fee = 0, endless processing

To Reproduce:

1.Log in
2.Go to [Send]
3.Enter data in the field [To] and [Amount]
4.Click [Custom]
5.Enter data [Transaction fee = 0]
6.Click [Send]

Actual result:

The transaction is processed endlessly

Expected behavior:

The transaction is processed or error masage




windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

Entered numbers [Transaction Fee] -> [Custom] do not match the real commission

To Reproduce:

1.Log in
2.Go to [Send]
3.Enter data in the field [To] and [Amount]
4.Click [Custom]
5.Enter data [Transaction fee =5]
6.Click [Send]

Actual result:

In history fee = 1.2118, debited from the account =1.2118

Expected behavior:

In history fee = 5, debited from the account =5




windows 10 х64
Version 87.0.4280.66

Transaction from Velas wallet to Ethereum wallet is possible

User is loggined

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click the [Wallets] button
  2. Click the "Velas" wallet
  3. Click the [SEND] button
  4. Enter the Ethereum wallet adress in "To" input field
  5. Confirm transaction

Actual result:
The transaction is processed successfully but payment is returned to Velas wallet as receive payment (if Ethereum wallet adress is own Ethereum wallet adress)

Expected behavior:
The message "Given address is not valid Velas address" is displayed in "SEND" page after entering invalid adress(Ethereum wallet adress) in "To" field. The transaction is not being processed.

Velas Wallet - Ethereum1
Velas Wallet - Ethereum2
Velas Wallet - Ethereum3

OS: Windows 10 x64
Browser: Chrome
Version: 87.0.4280.88

Additional context
The same behavior when making a transaction from your Velas wallet adress to the same Velas wallet adress