This repo is a wrapper for velas chain testing

Currently exported modules:

  • velasNative

Modules in progress:

  • velasEVM

Usage example

npm i
import {velasNative} from './src'
await velasNative.getBalance('DVSjUmoQistXei6HTw7mtv1ufnm7RVCn1JVZ3EGGAL1z');

Run test

npm test or npx ts-mocha ./src/tests/**



Publish package

npm init --scope=@velas npm publish --access public

How to test private key validity

  1. Export private key from wallet.

  2. Call bs58EncodedPrivateKeyToBytesArray method from helpers (which is part of this lib) and pass exported key as parameter.


    import {helpers} from '../helpers';

    You will receive the array of bytes, e.g. [11,17,54,46,175,65,179,60,57,230,205,146,45,130,56,142,207,246].

  3. Create .json file with this array.

  4. Run next command velas-keygen pubkey <path_to_file>

If you get the wallet address without any errors and this address corresponds to the address from wallet app – all is fine.

ENV variables

address by this seed should contain VLX Native tokens


address by this private key should contain VLX EVM tokens