4.1 Toaster
4.2 Bootstrap
4.3 Animations
is a componente that allows create reactive forms for angular 2+.
- Angular Material check Documentation
$ ng add @angular/material
- Angular 2 Toaster check Documentation
- Install the package:
$ npm i @gordon_freeman/ez-form
- Import
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
If you want use datepicker
from angular material:
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
First we need a config object inside of parent component.
myConfiguration = [
controlName: 'uuid',
type: {
typeName: 'input'
disabled: true,
controlName: 'password',
type: {
typeName: 'input',
class: 'password',
validators: [
controlName: 'birthday',
placeholder: 'Enter your birthday date',
hint: 'Enter a valid date',
type: {
typeName: 'date'
validators: [
controlName: 'address',
placeholder: 'Enter a complete address',
type: {
typeName: 'textarea',
maxLength: 20,
validators: [
controlName: 'email',
validators: [
placeholder: 'Enter an email',
type: {
typeName: 'input',
maxLength: 30,
errorMessages: {
required: 'The email is mandatory',
email: 'You must enter a valid email',
hint: 'Enter a valid email'
controlName: 'civilState',
placeholder: 'Choose a civil state',
label: 'Civil state',
hint: 'Please pick a Civil State',
validators: [
type: {
typeName: 'select',
options: [
value: 1,
label: 'Married'
value: 2,
label: 'Single'
controlName: 'cities',
type: {
typeName: 'check',
minRequired : 2,
options: [
value: 1,
label: 'Quito'
value: 2,
label: 'Cuenca'
value: 3,
label: 'Ambato'
label: 'Cities',
errorMessages: {
required: 'select two cities at least',
controlName: 'favoriteFruit',
validators: [
label: 'Favorite Fruit',
type: {
typeName: 'radio',
options: [
value: 3,
label: 'Apple'
value: 1,
label: 'Pear'
value: 2,
label: 'Pineapple'
So in our parentComponent.html
call the component.
<button [disabled]="!usuario" class="btn btn-block btn-info">Submit</button>
If we want our form to be filled with default values. We need to declare a object with the controls name as keys example:
userData = {
uuid: 1234,
email: 'juan.pecados@mail.com',
civilState: 1,
otherDate: '2015-02-16',
birthday: '1999-02-16',
favoriteFruit: 1,
cities: [1, 3],
password: '12133',
Template parentComponent.html
<button [disabled]="!usuario" class="btn btn-block btn-info">Submit</button>
The form has an Output
where you will return the form data or an undefined
If the form has been filled out correctly.
So we need to make use of the Output : dataFromForm
<button (click)="someFunction()">Submit</button>
This library make use of angular2-toaster
- The toaster is the message which shows on screen when the form has been filled correctly or not.
- The display of this messages could be optional
We need to make use of the following Input : showToaster
> ...
Also we could config the messages that will show on the toaster:
myToasterConfig = {
success: {
type: 'info',
title: 'GOOD',
body: 'All right!!'
fail: {
type: 'warning',
title: 'BAD',
body: 'Someting was wrong!!'
Usamos el Input : toasterConfig
By Deault the ez-form component loads its internal components from Angular Material
- If you want make use of bootstrap components:
Use the Input : styleFramework
The error messages animations for every form field could be modify, so we need to make use of animate.css .
Use the Input : msgErrorAnimation
Complete example form component:
<button [disabled]="!userData" class="btn btn-block btn-info">Submit</button>
Attribute | Type | Description | Required |
formConfig | Input | Form config object | YES |
inputData | Input | Form default values object | OPTIONAL |
dataFromForm | OutPut | Data returned from form | YES |
styleFramework | Input | Form style | OPTIONAL |
msgErrorAnimation | Input | Error message animation | OPTIONAL |
toasterConfig | Input | Toaster message configuration object | OPTIONAL |
showToaster | Input | Show Toaster message | OPTIONAL |
Attribute | Description | Required |
controlName | Form control name | YES |
placeholder | Describes the expected value of an input field | OPTIONAL |
hint | Hint displayed in the input field before the user enters a value | OPTIONAL |
label | Hint displayed in the input field before the user enters a value | OPTIONAL |
type | Input type object: select, input.. | YES |
validators | Array with angular form validators, it doesn't work with check type | OPTIONAL |
Attribute | Description |
input | Input field for text and numbers |
typename | type name: input, select, radio, check, textarea, date |
class | Uniquely for input type. Defines the character type for example a password field |
options | Uniquely for select, radio, check |
minRequired | Uniquely for check. Defines how many checks fields are mandatory |
maxLength | Uniquely for input, textarea and date. Defines how many characters are allowed |
If you are looking for a full example of this library please check the following github repository .