
Everything you need to work with Apache Wicket and OrientDB

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status


Everything you need to work with Apache Wicket and OrientDB. Library contains several functional part which can be used separatly or all together.

Looking for examples? Orienteer - Business Application Platform

Initial setup of application

You should inherit WebApplication class from OrientDbWebApplication to use OrientDB and its authentication with in your application.

public class WicketApplication extends OrientDbWebApplication

Specify connection properties


Embedded OrientDB Server

If you need to run OrientDB in embedded mode please use EmbeddOrientDbApplicationListener

public class WicketApplication extends OrientDbWebApplication
	public void init()
		getApplicationListeners().add(new EmbeddOrientDbApplicationListener(WicketApplication.class.getResource("db.config.xml"))

			public void onAfterServerStartupAndActivation() throws Exception {
				OServerAdmin serverAdmin = new OServerAdmin("localhost/"+DB_NAME).connect("root", "WicketOrientDB");
			    serverAdmin.createDatabase(DB_NAME, "graph", "local");


To gain access to Orient DB document from your application please use ODocumentPropertyModel instead of common PropertyModel. Important! Following issue have been created to introduce support of custom properties models into wicket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5623 If you interested in using PropertyModel as usual in wicket, please, take a look to following pull request: apache/wicket#74


It's easy to integrate with OrientDB security stuff: You can either specify static required orientDB resources

@RequiredOrientResource(value=ORule.ResourceGeneric.CLASS, specific="ORole", permissions={OrientPermission.READ, OrientPermission.UPDATE})
public class MyPage extends WebPage {
	@RequiredOrientResource(value = OSecurityHelper.SCHEMA, permissions=OrientPermission.READ),
	@RequiredOrientResource(value = OSecurityHelper.CLASS, permissions=OrientPermission.READ),
public class MyPanel extends Panel {

or provide them dynamically: just implement ISecuredComponent

public class SaveSchemaCommand<T> extends SavePrototypeCommand<T> implements ISecuredComponent {
	public RequiredOrientResource[] getRequiredResources() {
		T object = objectModel.getObject();
		OrientPermission permission = (object instanceof IPrototype<?>)?OrientPermission.CREATE:OrientPermission.UPDATE;
		return OSecurityHelper.requireResource(OSecurityHelper.SCHEMA, null, permission);

OrientDB objects prototypes

Sometimes it's useful to work with object without actual creation of that object. Examples: OClass, OProperty, OIndex - all this objects require pre-creation in DB. Prototyping microframeworks allows creation of 'Prototype' of some objects, modify it and only after that 'realize' it in real environment.


OClass oClass = OClassPrototyper.newPrototype();
OClass realOClass = ((IPrototype<OClass>)oClass).realizePrototype();