Using Prefect

This is basically a diary of getting started with prefect and prefect cloud.

I skipped over Airflow entirely, but I need to learn something and prefect seems interesting and it works with Dask+Coiled which is really cool. I'm pretty comfortable with python and stuff, but unlike so much else I am learning, I am really starting at 0 here. Cool.

The long term goal is to replace a very strange workflow I have:

  • A lambda function hits an API once an hour, and stores some documents to mongoDB. Why mongoDB? Because I needed a cheap database that can enforce unique constraints. The API doesn't really have a highwater mark, so need to handle duplicates.
  • A google cloud function runs one a day, writing new data to bigQuery. Because the implementation was very simple, I don't have a highwater mark here either, and I do some clumsy pandas stuff to avoid inserting duplicates.
  • A bigquery job is triggered about an hour after that, to calculate some intermediate outputs that is used in a dashboard.

Signing up and getting started

  1. The password policy is almost good. But I don't like hard requirements, entropy counts. Cool that it uses okta though.

  2. Where is my API key? I'm just guessing I need an API key and it turns out I'm right. With Coiled, the first thing you see is an API key and some commands. I don't like having to look for (and even generate) this stuff. Found it though, and created a config file. Cool that it follows a common pattern - I'm used to this from AWS and others.

  3. Why are there several similar but different "hello world" examples? It turns out there is a reason, you need to register a flow and then run it, but I'm new to all this so... Anyways, I figured it out. Sticking to running from the dashboard from now. The "quick run" button is sweet.

  4. Yay I copy-pasted code and it ran! Granted I needed a few tries, but I did something and something happened and there is a green color on the dashboard. Wonder what it was I did though.

  5. WTF why am I getting a deprecated warning? I haven't written a single line of code that hasn't been copy-pasted from the website. Turns out the config file is now supposed to say api_key = "XXX" instead of api_token = "XXX". Kind of hard to spot that one, and I seem to be unable to find where I copy-pasted that from. All I can find now is instructions that say api_key.

  6. Damn, executors and agents are confusing.

  7. Why aren't there more complex examples? Documentation is OK, but it never shows the whole picture.

  8. please please tell me I don't need an agent running 24/7 just because I want to trigger a job once a day. Isn't that what prefect cloud was supposed to do? What does actually Prefect cloud do? Is is just a dashboard? What am I missing?

  9. Where is coiled? Seriously they did a whole webinar about it and I can't find a single mention of coiled on the prefect site and only a symbolic mention of prefect on the coiled website. Nice partnership. Resorting to googling, seems there is a github issue that explains the basics. Sorry, but github issues != documentation. That said though, the solution made sense and perhaps I should have figured this out myself.

  10. How is this stuff handled in production? In a CI/CD environment? If I'm testing some changes to a flow and I want to push it to production? Is it normal to register the flow in the same file as the flow is defined or is that just a simplification for the hello-world example?

Code beyond copy-paste

My first goal is to get this to run on coiled. I already have Coiled installed, so I need to get the two talking. Experimenting with ECS failed (I don't know that much about ECS and the documentation assumed I did).

I am able to do a run on coiled by using a DaskExecutor, passing an actual Coiled cluster object (coiled.Cluster, not a string or anything) as cluster class.

I am using a LocalRun run-config for this, and starting a local agent.

This is all simple enough, but I need to register an environment in coiled that has prefect. While that's really a simple task and I have done it a couple of times before, I do it rarely enough to have forgotten each time. This is cool though. Basically it seems to be working I just need to get my ducks in a row.

It's amazing what copy-paste can do. will create an env on coiled, using the environment.yaml file we have here locally.